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Taehyung had finally calmed down. Now feeling the sweat that dotted his forehead, sensing the coolness of it and inhaling the air, he relished in the pure relief flooding his system. 
When he looked, his eyes fell on her hand on his back. One look at the hand and he made a face of disgust, "What do you think you're doing?"

Hyein drew back her hand, rolling her eyes, "And you are back."

"And what did you call me? Taehyung?"

Her eyes went wide, caught off guard by the question. She hadn't realized.

"Omo!" He exclaimed, bringing a hand to his mouth as if he couldn't believe it.

"I-I Mr.Kim I m-meant-"

"Omo! Omo Omo!" 

"I didn't call you Taehyung. Just- Just forget it!" Hyein cried waving her hands in front of his face hoping that would distract him from his question.

"How old are you to call me Taehyung?" He asked wearing an expression of annoyance, sizing her up.

"You know it's rude to ask a girl her age, right? Anyway, I'll be 24 in a few months." 

"You are a girl?" Taehyung teased and she raised her hands threateningly. He chuckled the boxy grin back on, soft and genuine. Hyein couldn't help but smile back at him momentarily forgetting all the rivalry and hatred and just being genuinely happy with him.

Snapping out of her thoughts, she focused on the matter at the hand. There was a note on the desk. Snatching it up from there she read it.

I will kill you.

The note was written with red paint. The same one she had seen on the window. "Mr.Kim?" Hyein wanted to ask about the note but Taehyung cut her off.

"How did you know about my anthophobia?" He suddenly asked.

"It was in the contract."

"Contract?" Taehyung repeated. He didn't remember mentioning anything about his phobia when he made it. Who would add that in there? Wait- Namjoon......

"So that's why you... " He trailed off. Hyein could only stare back confused at his mumbling.

"Anyways, I think there was an intruder." 

"Yes, thank you, Captain Obvious." She rolled her eyes at the comment.

"Did you close your windows properly?" Hyein asked as he got up from the floor dusting off his shirt. "The windows?"

"Yeah, I found a bit of paint on the one upfront. I think whoever it was, came in through the window."
With a glance towards her side, he made his way onto the living room where the huge glass window was situated. Sure enough, there was a red smudge of paint as his secretary had observed. Frowning he ran his hands along the sides, looking for a way it could be opened but as soon as he touched it, the glass frame fell off and shattered on the ground. What the-

She was right.

"I'm calling the police," Hyein stated, fishing out her phone from the pocket but the phone was whisked out of her hand before she could even protest. "What?" Hyein exclaimed.

"Look here Ms.Lee, you don't know the consequences," Taehyung yelled, taking a step forward with each word until he stood right in front of Hyein, towering over her.

"You received a death threat!!" Hyein replied incredulously.

"I know, but think about what'll happen if my father finds out about it. He'll think that I am so incompetent that I can't even handle a mere hater-"

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