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The party hall was grand.

People milled around in the large luxurious building, in their fancy attires and sparkly jewelry that screamed for attention as they talked about their latest fashion ventures. Men in suits gathered up in groups discussing business and building social connections, scrutinizing anyone they came across, trying to figure out if they were worthy enough. That made Hyein extremely self-conscious. Though she tried to be as minimal as possible in order to not attract attention, it was having quite the opposite effect. They were all overly dressed in sparkles while she stood out as simple and ordinary. Hyein folded her hands over her chest, making sure to avoid eye-contact with anyone as she stayed closely behind Taehyung.

"Yo brother!" An unfamiliar voice called out from somewhere and Taehyung turned around to face the source. There stood a man, dressed in a royal blue suit, hair styled to the sides quite elegantly as his eyes twinkled with a kind of predatory smile.

"I didn't think you would come. After all, you have a habit of skipping out on parties." The guy mentioned. Taehyung did not reply and fixed the guy with a cold stare. That was all the clue Hyein needed to know that he was the guy they were looking for. Park Jimin.

"Ah, still as grumpy as ever, are we?" Jimin chuckled as his eyes slowly trailed past him to the figure cowering behind Taehyung. "And who is the pretty lady you have here?"

Hyein meekly stepped out from his shadow, not quite elegantly as she had hoped. Fixing the guy with a scrutinizing stare that mirrored Taehyung's, Hyein smiled. "You must be Mr.Park Jimin. Pleased to meet you. I am Secretary Lee Hyein."

"The pleasure is all mine," Jimin replied, a feline smile lighting up his face. Hyein observed the guy. He was quite a sight to behold with his smooth, pale face that was a delight to look at, and his dress deeply contrasted with his skin in a way it accentuated his beauty but his eyes... Hyein could see that his eyes were observant. They were cold and calculating and she knew that despite his warm, welcoming exterior, Jimin was sizing her up, watching her every move. As if he was trying to see if she were a potential threat. Upon, meeting her eyes, he smiled again.

"So this is the secretary I've been hearing a lot about, huh? Though I must admit, I would have never thought that you would be someone so..." Jimin paused as his brows scrunched up, a thoughtful expression on his face as if he were trying to find the perfect word. Suddenly, his brows shot up and his smile brightened as he found what he was looking for. "Alluring." he finished.

She smiled. "Thank you, but I am curious as to how and what you have heard about me."

Jimin looked amused. "I have my sources." He winked.

A loud clearing of the throat brought her attention back to the taller figure standing by her side. Taehyung shot her a warning look, for some reason she wasn't sure. He then turned to Jimin. "Is Jungkook here?". The sharpness of his tone or the eccentricity of the question had surprised Jimin. He raised an eyebrow questioningly. "Why, yes he's here."

"Call him."

Jimin looked as if he wanted to retort but he was too curious that he did what he was told. Hyein noticed the guy for the first time when he called him over, waving his hand. He was standing by the pole, sipping a glass of expensive wine, the whole time unbeknownst to her. The guy seemed uninterested as he merely threw them a look of discontent. Ignoring his brother, Jungkook walked away without a second glance, leaving Jimin with a childish pout that was as genuine as his smile. When he saw Hyein watching the exchange with interest, Jimin said, "Ah, Jungkook can be a bit of a brat sometimes."

Taehyung hadn't reacted and Hyein concluded that it must be pretty natural for the youngest to behave like that. The air around them wasn't as Hyein had expected. It felt like Jungkook didn't really get along with Jimin either. He was, however, suspicious. 

"But why do you want to see him? You're usually not that interested in him."

"I have my reasons," Taehyung replied before he walked off, leaving Hyein behind. He must have expected her to follow him as usual but as Hyein took a step towards the exit, a wall of royal blue had blocked her path. Jimin smiled at her bewildered expression before he turned serious. "What's your relationship with him?"

"I'm his secretary," Hyein said, arching an eyebrow at the man who had dared step on her way.

"And that's all?" Jimin asked with his insanely inquisitive eyes.

"Yes," Hyein replied, her voice firm, before stepping aside to go on her way but he caught her hand. Stopping on her tracks, Hyein directed a glare at the hand that was now tightly clasped around her wrist. He stared back at her, eyes assessing her face for something. When he failed at finding what he had hoped, he smiled again. Shooting her another wink, he said, "Bye! See you later."

What the hell was that?

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