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The tension was so thick in the air that one could cut it with a knife.

Taehyung was back at his home, standing by the large window by his sofa, fuming with rage. Hyein could actually see a slight tremor of his fingers as he physically forced himself to keep control.

When Taehyung had spotted her with Jimin, he had simply taken hold of her hand and dragged her out of there, without even a look of acknowledgment towards his brother. In fact, Hyein wondered if he had even seen him. Given the state of mind he was in at that moment, she wouldn't be surprised if he hadn't seen Jimin.

Hyein gulped down nervously. She had been standing there for some time, expecting an out lash from the raging bull that had forcefully dragged her out of there. He hadn't spoken a word and as time passed, it only seemed to get worse.

"Mr.Kim?" She called tentatively, her voice soft and gentle so that she won't accidentally tip him off. 

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING HYEIN?" He exploded, making her wince at the impact of his deep voice nearly shattering her eardrums. She was too scared to reply. She couldn't even find it in herself to correct him for calling her real name.

"I told you to not do anything dangerous, didn't I? And what did you do? You immediately went running after the stalker!" Taehyung fumed. Hyein bit down on her lower lip in shame. When the guy had tried to run away, she didn't consider the fact that it would be that dangerous. She just got too pumped up with the adrenaline that she had completely forgotten about her promise. She just lost what little trust Taehyung had in her.

"God knows what would have happened Hyein! Do you know how dangerous it was?!!"

"I-It wasn't that dangerous," Hyein weakly defended.

"Like hell, it wasn't! You could have gotten hurt!"

"It's not like you care."


She probably shouldn't have said that.

Taehyung's eyes darkened into a hard scathing glare that burned.

"You know what? I don't need your help anymore. So ignore the case. I can do this on my own."

Hyein gasped. She had messed up. She couldn't let him handle the case on his own. "Y-you can't do that."

"Watch me." He simply replied.

"Taehyung I am already involved in it, you can't just kick me out now. You can't do this alone."

"I can. Now, if you will, leave me alone."  There was no talking back. He was determined and there was nothing she could do.

Hyein had really messed up.


"And then do you know what that jerk did? He grabbed my hand. MY HAND! Even taking a bath in a tub full of hand sanitizer won't help me! I can't believe this ugly, bullfrog-faced-"

"Hyein-ah stop! Do you even know what you're saying? You chased after a stalker, Hye! A STALKER! What would you have done if he did something to you?" Hoseok cried trying to get the point across to his stupid friend who was yelling at the phone.

Hyein couldn't find an answer as clutched her phone close to her ear and Hoseok's deep angry breaths could be heard through it. Hobi was right. He was right. She did something wrong.

"Hyein-ah~" Hoseok called softly, knowing that his friend was upset. "I know that's not what you meant. I know that you are angry at yourself, but you have to admit it."

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