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Hyein braced herself for the pain.

She closed her eyes waiting for the inevitable.

But it didn't come. She opened her eyes and suddenly a metal door slammed open and a figure stood at the entrance. The sunlight that streamed in from behind him made it impossible to see his face but as soon as he stepped forward into the light, Hyein gasped.

NO! What the hell was he doing here?

"Oh Mansik?"

Taehyung asked. He was furious and shocked but the sight of Hyein bound and gagged on the ground made his blood boil.

Mansik turned around surprised at the unexpected interference. "What the- How did he find her?"

"Oh Mansik, you basta*d!! Why-" Taehyung looked around in rage for a weapon. Mansik wasn't expecting this. It wasn't how he wanted things to go. Oh Mansik couldn't kill him in a direct fight. He knew that. It would never happen, except...

Hyein's eyes widened as Mansik suddenly lifted her up by her hair and placed the knife directly over her neck. Taehyung froze.

"Don't do anything you'll regret boy!"

"Don't you dare..." He paled as the knife pressed into Hyein's skin. The color drained from his face and he gulped down, nervously. He couldn't let her get hurt. No matter what.

Taehyung dropped the log he held in his hand, his eyes hovered over her worried and anxious.

"Throw away your phone, boy!" Taehyung hesitated. "Do it! Or else she'll die." Mansik held the knife closer to her skin.

He threw his phone down and Hyein's eyes followed as it slid across the floor to the sides.

This idiot! Didn't he know that she would die anyway? If she was going to die, the least he could do was escape.

"Get down! On your knees!" Mansik screeched. There was panic in his voice. Her captor was slightly scared now that things hadn't gone his way. That should have been a good sign but what made it useless was the fact that Taehyung was following his instructions.

Mansik dug inside his pocket and took out a little blue vial of liquid. He threw it towards Taehyung.

"You were supposed to be the last but I guess you'll have to be the first one to die. Drink!"

Hyein whipped her head around to her captivator shocked. That wasn't a bright idea as the knife grazed the skin on her neck and made a long cut. "Ah!"

The sound came out muffled but Taehyung had seen the cut. His eyes widened even more in shock and Hyein begged with her eyes to run.

Run! Please ... Or else you and I, will both die! 

Taehyung didn't run. He looked down at the bottle and then back at her. Hyein could see the fear in her eyes. She could see the subtle tremor of his finger as he slowly brought his hand forward and touched the vial. Hyein felt herself freeze. No, he can't die like that. He can't...

He slowly picked it up from the ground and opened the cap.

"Drink! Quick!"

Taehyung was scared. His eyes were dark, a shade of obsidian.

"It's poison, boy. Don't worry. It'll end before you even know it."

"Taehyung no!" Hyein cried and Mansik pressed the knife deeper to her throat in warning. Taehyung looked as if he was seriously going to drink the liquid in the vial. Taehyung wasn't thinking straight. He was too afraid. For what? For her life? Why would he? Sweat dripped down the side of his cheeks and Taehyung looked towards Hyein, one last time. Hyein looked at him then slightly she gestured towards her hands with her eyes.

She had untied the knot.

She gave him a nod and Taehyung returned it, determined.

Hyein suddenly slammed her fist into Mansik's hand in which he held his knife as Taehyung threw the vial across the room. The punch wasn't strong enough to knock the knife out and the startled killer tightened the hold on her and brought his hand down across her waist in order to reign her in.

He was careless with the knife. The blade pierced into her abdomen and Hyein gasped out in pain.

Taehyung pounced on her captor, knocking him to the ground. In the chaos that broke out, the knife flew away from the captor's hands and Taehyung went for his neck, choking him with all he had.

Hyein's legs caved in and she fell to the ground. The pain made her vision unstable. Every time she blinked, her vision became blurry and white until she could no longer distinguish the lines and she closed her eyes. Her head fell to the ground.

A petrified "Hyein" echoed throughout the abandoned building.

Hyein sank into oblivion.

Hyein sank into oblivion

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