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One month later

"Hye! Wake up! You have to report to your new job today right? Hye! It's already past 7!"

Hyein shot up from her bed alarmed and disoriented as Hoseok stood near her bed folding his arms with a frown. Hyein quickly turned towards the alarm clock to see that it was only 6.30.

"Hobi..." Hyein groaned, scratching her head Hoseok smiled down at his best friend.

"Good morning!"He chirped and Hyein smiled back half-annoyed at his greeting rubbing her eyes.

"I've made breakfast so you can just get ready. Oh, and don't forget to be careful when you bathe. Your wound is still not completely healed."
"Yeah yeah, I do this everyday Hobi. I know. Besides, it is healed. I don't feel pain anymore." Hyein waved her hand at him dismissing his warnings.

"Really? Should I do a checkup?" Hobi held an index finger, threateningly above her stomach as if he was about to poke her and Hyein pushed them away scared. "No! You don't know how painful that is!"

Hobie smirked, "You said it doesn't pain you anymore." Hyein glared back at him.

When the news of what happened to her reached him, Hobi had come running to the hospital as fast he could. He was very upset and he even questioned why Hyein was working for him. He was even more worried when Hyein stopped him from calling her parents. She didn't want them to worry and a stab wound would definitely raise questions Hyein couldn't answer. She had sworn confidentiality of her work in her contract and she had to keep it. Hoseok had then insisted that he stay with her because she obviously could not take care of herself alone. Hyein had to consent. She was grateful for his help. Hobi was like an overprotective brother, actually scratch that, an overprotective mother the whole time. He nagged about every little thing Hyein ignored and sometimes it really got on her nerves. But she was thankful. He was at least there.

Unlike someone.

Today was the day she was going back to Ethereal, but for a new job. She was asked to report to the front desk where she would receive information about her new job. Hyein turned on the shower and the warm water flowed down her body. She turned the temperature cold and seconds later, icy water sprinkled down chilling her to the bones. It wasn't enough to distract her from the thoughts that raced in her mind.

Hyein didn't know why she was so upset. This was what she was aiming for from the beginning. There was an unsettling feeling in her gut and she didn't like it. Her body felt numb from standing in the cold shower for too long and Hyein stepped out wrapped in a towel. After doing some necessary preparation and dressing her wound, Hyein got dressed.

When she went into the kitchen afterward, warm fluffy pancakes sat on the counter as Hobi munched on them. "Ready for the day? Nervous?"

As usual, Hoseok had seen right through her. She was nervous and the mere mention of the job made her want to not go. She smiled and nodded in reply.

"You'll be fine. I just know that." Hoseok assured her with his signature sunshine smile and Hyein had to admit that it slightly made it a little bit better. She poked the fork into her pancake and took a bite. It was more than delicious and Hyein said as much to Hoseok.
"Really? Awww, our Hyein is really nervous, huh? She won't say such cheesy things usually."

Hyein did not reply. Partially because he was right. Finishing her breakfast, Hyein tossed her plate into the sink, and soon came an annoying cry from behind. "Clean up after yourself! You can't leave your plate on the sink like that. How unclean!"

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