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Hyein sat in a huge luxurious restaurant, gawking at the interior wide-eyed at a table across Taehyung, who observed her reaction amused. The restaurant was large and fancy, nothing like any of the restaurants she had gone to before. It was luxurious, walls painted and adorned with modern painting and built-in contemporary style architecture. The lights were dim but the restaurant still shined and glittered.

"Who are we meeting today, Mr.Kim?" Hyein asked, not taking her eyes off of a huge painting that hung on the wall.

"No one."

"No one?" She repeated, puzzled as the food arrived. The waitress placed the plates and bowed as Taehyung thanked her before Hyein could do so. She was a little surprised. Taehyung never used to do that.

"Dig in." He said and Hyein looked down at the expensive Steak dish in front of her. It smelled amazing. "Umm, why are we here then?"

"I just had some things to discuss with you."

Oh... Hyein averted her eyes. Though she did accept the job of being his secretary again without much of a fight, she hadn't talked to him. It was tense, but Hyein didn't want to talk. She was still angry with him. He looked towards her.

"How have you been?"

Hyein pursed her lips. "Fine."

"How's your wound?"


Taehyung sighed, exasperated. Hyein didn't respond as she continued silently cutting the meat.


"It's Secretary Lee to you." Hyein corrected.

"You are mad." 

"Why would I be?" She asked as she rubbed the knife against a particularly stubborn piece of meat and he placed a hand on hers, stopping her.

"I'm sorry." 

Hyein scoffed. She placed the knife down on her table and looked at him. "For what?"

"For acting irrationally and for hurting you," Taehyung replied.

"I wasn't hurt." Hyein lied. She didn't want to let him know that he had the power to hurt her.


"What did you call me?" Hyein raised her voice annoyed.

"I called you a liar Hyein," Taehyung replied equally raising his voice.

"No, I'm not."

"Yes, you are."

"I'm NOT!"

"Yes, you ARE!"

By then half the restaurant was watching the exchange taking place with curious eyes. Thankfully the restaurant didn't have any other customers, so that it was just the duo and the restaurant staff, nervously watching, wondering if they should interfere.

"Just shut up and accept it Hyein!" And Hyein shut up. Not because she was intimidated. Mind you.

She huffed, as she took her knife and aggressively began cutting the steak into tiny little pieces.

"Is it because I didn't call you?" Taehyung asked. He hadn't reached out to her after they met at the hospital. He was afraid. And he didn't know what to do...

She breathed out a sarcastic laugh. "Heh, why would I want you to call me?"

"Maybe you didn't." he slumped down in his seat and Hyein looked up.

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