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The phone buzzed on her bedside table and Hyein groaned as she pulled the soft warm sheets away from her face. Who dares wake her up from her sleep this evening? Hyein was going to give an earful. Her fumbling fingers finally found the phone and she held it up, squinting at the light as she groggily rubbed her eyes. It was past 12:30 and Hyein being a sleep lover had slept early that night but that didn't mean she liked her sleep getting disturbed. There was a single text message from none other than Kim Taehyung.

Arrogant Jacka**


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Come here.

This guy-

"Who does he think he is?" Hyein mumbled to herself, as she dragged herself out of bed, cursing and muttering. It was Sunday night and he wouldn't even let her have a day of her weekend. Yesterday he spoiled her meeting with Hoseok now, he was here disturbing her sleep? The heck was this guy's problem.

Should I just ignore it?

Tsk, Curse you for being nice, Hyein.

Still grumbling she dragged herself out of the room.


The sweet chirps of morning birds woke Taehyung up from his sleep. Though Taehyung was awake, he didn't want to open his eyes. They felt too heavy and there was constant pounding in his head and his throat felt dry and scratchy. The sunshine was warm on his face and it felt nice though the migraine was annoying. Strangely, the bed was a bit uncomfortable. Taehyung hugged his pillow tightly. The pillow felt smooth and warm and it smelled like flowers and fruits. Taehyung couldn't ever remember spraying his bed with floral perfume. He sniffed again. He was sure, it smelt like perfume. Slowly, Taehyung forced his eyes open against the sun. It was a gargantuan task as they felt so heavy but however, he managed to do so. Gradually his eyes gained its focus.

It was then that he had realized that the pillow he was holding wasn't a pillow. It was a human hand. Taehyung screamed as he flung the hand away from himself. His scream had triggered another terrified scream a few octaves higher. Taheyung winced at the sound but strangely it felt familiar. Eerily familiar.

Taehyung's eyes widened as his brain finally registered what was happening. He was lying on his sofa in the living room and the familiar figure sat on the floor near his Sofa. The girl shot him a poisonous glare as she sat on the ground rubbing her hand as she gritted her teeth. Taehyung noticed that she was in her casual clothes than the usual formal attire he had mostly seen her and that made a huge difference in her vibe. She almost felt gentler, more approachable but the vibe was soon gone as Taehyung caught her cold fiery eyes and in the morning sun they shined electric blue.

"W-what are you doing here?" Taehyung asked, surprised.

The glare momentarily turned into utmost surprise then it was soon back on.

"You mean you don't remember anything?" She cried. Taehyung couldn't remember anything from the previous night. All he could remember were hazy silhouettes of people but when he forced himself to remember more, it just intensified his headache.

"No, what happened?" He asked softly massaging his temples to ease his headache.

Hyein sighed dramatically.

This is going to take a while.


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