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"Where are we going, Sir?"

"Keep going straight, Ms.Lee," Taehyung instructed as he rested his head against the car door. His eyes were closed as if he were sleeping but he responded every time Hyein asked him for directions and all of his responses were the same. "Just keep going straight."

Hyein had been driving around for quite a while with Taehyung sitting beside her, sleeping peacefully against the door. A part of her wanted to keep asking questions just to annoy him but he looked so peaceful that Hyein couldn't bring herself to do it. She was seriously regretting the decision as she was now driving through a secluded wooded area that appeared to be going uphill and it was getting quite late.


"Straight, keep going straight." 

Hyein was really wondering whether he knew what he was doing now because Taehyung hadn't said anything else about their destination except 'Keep going straight.' and so far the trail seemed to lead them somewhere far away from civilization.

 When the call of doom arrived, Taehyung hadn't said anything other than to go get his car started and that he would be there within a few minutes. Normally, Hyein would talk back or do something just to spite him but he had appeared so tired Hyein gave up on it.

"Um, Mr.Ki-"

"Just keep going straight."

"It's a dead-end, Sir." He woke up, looking around like a startled deer. After a few seconds of observation, he came to some conclusion and soon went back to his slumber. "Stay here for some time."

Was this guy serious? 

Hyein didn't really know where they were and from Taehyung's reaction, she was sure he didn't either. Then why had he told her to keep going straight? Now that Hyein thought about it, it made sense. He was probably trying to give her more work just for his vain enjoyment.

"Are you for real now, Mr.Kim?"

"Stop talking." He replied, his voice tired and still half asleep.

"What do you mean stop talk-"

"Shhhhhhh." Taehyung cut her off and without another word he drifted back to the dark abyss of dreamland.

(Turn on the media for an immersive reading experience.)


Taehyung suddenly got up from his sleep rubbing his eyes. It was dark, so dark that he couldn't tell if his eyes were open or not. Taehyung felt scared as he urged himself to walk forward.


He increased his pace marching towards the source of her voice. It was the same voice he had wanted to hear. The voice he had waited to hear for so long in vain. She was back now. He doesn't have to worry anymore. Tears of happiness sprung to his eyes and rolled down his cheeks. His heart was so light and the pure joy he felt was the most amazing thing he had ever experienced in his life.

"Ma?" He called out, fingers reaching out in the dark. She was there. He could feel it in his heart.
"Ma, where are you?" There wasn't a reply. Only silence greeted him.

No, she couldn't go. He needed her and she was right there in front of him, slowly drifting away into the darkness. Even in the dark, Taehyung could feel her smile and her warm presence. If he let her go now he will regret it forever in his heart. He ran further into the darkness, feet splashing against the water at his feet, his hands outstretched in front of him.

"Ma answer me! Where are you?" Taehyung cried out. Suddenly, light flooded his vision. It was as if someone had flipped on the light switch and all Taehyung could see was white. Everything was white and he didn't know where he was. A figure stood a few feet away before him smiling sweetly. She held a bunch of Lavenders in her hands as her soft silky hair flew with a wind that wasn't there. "Ma?"

"What have you done Taehyung?"

She whispered, the smile still in its place but her eyes ... they were dead and the figure stepped forward. "That's why you should have listened to me Taehyung. You should have been a good boy."

"No" Taehyung shook his head. That wasn't his mother. His mother would never talk like that. She would never blame him.

"It's your fault Taehyung. Your fault." She said.

"No no no" Taehyung couldn't hear it. He didn't want to hear it. It wasn't his mother. It wasn't.

"Yes. It is, child. Come to your senses." The figure answered her eerie smile fading out into a glare.

"No! No!" Taehyung cried out. It wasn't his fault. It was lying. The figure saw Taehyung's struggle and a cold smile crept upon its face. She held her Lavender flowers to him, smiling.

"Here. For you."

"No! Get that away from me!" Taehyung screamed, frantically drawing back but the figure still held out the flowers to him. 

No. He didn't want to see it. He squeezed his eyes shut but bright vibrant violet still remained in his vision as if it was etched behind his eyelids. He shook his head to get the image out of his head but it was still there and he screamed.

His eyes flew open and Taehyung lay on the couch in front of his living room, breathing heavily. 

Taehyung was still in his work clothes from the previous day. Sunlight streamed in through the window. It was half-past 8 in the morning and he didn't even know how he got home yesterday. Vaguely he remembered a face. A face that always had a frown.

His secretary.

Yesterday he had asked her to drive and... 

Slowly the memories of the previous day came flooding in. Oh yeah... He was trying to annoy her and somewhere along the way, he had fallen asleep. Taehyung smiled, shaking his head at his own foolishness. Fishing out his phone from his pocket, he dialed a number.

"Hello?" A feminine voice answered.

"Ah, Secretary Lee! Come report to my home. We have work to do~" He sang as a huge frustrated groan emerged from the other end. Taehyung chuckled.

This was fun.

This was fun

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