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Hyein never really despised anything about her personality before. She was fairly well mannered, kind, and wasn't always impulsive. Maybe once or twice she had indeed acted on impulse due to her temper problems, but it wasn't a big deal and most of the time, she believed, they were justified. But on that day, she discovered a major flaw in her personality that she hadn't noticed before. One that she came to despise with all her heart.

Hyein tended to freeze up every time she was surprised. Whenever she was caught off guard, she would go all Error 401 mode and just stand there stunned for a few seconds before her brain actually registered something and that was exactly what she was doing now.

She was staring wide-eyed at the man who had fallen on the ground and also served as a cushion to break her fall as he stared back, equally surprised, and the pain evident on his face. Taehyung slowly opened his mouth to say something, probably to yell at her to get off but thankfully, Hyein had registered the situation by then and had quickly scrambled back up on her feet.

"I-I AM SORRY!" Hyein squeaked out, embarrassed at the man that lay on the ground still grunting in pain. "W-would you like for me to help you?"

Taehyung cried out in pain, "Aaah.." Before he gave her a look that seemed to say Are you serious?

Hyein quickly helped him up from the ground, mentally cringing at herself for her mistake. How embarrassing!! Taehyung seemed to have hurt his elbow instead of her and now he was nursing it with his good hand while he gave Hyein a pitiful glare.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't want you to open the package, in case there was something dangerous in there." Taehyung didn't reply as he just stared back at her in pain. "Are you okay?" 

"Do I look okay?"  Oh, alright.

"I will see if there's something...."

She trailed as she edged away towards the kitchen in hopes of finding a First Aid kit. Suddenly, she felt something against her feet and she looked down to see the package on the ground. She had almost forgotten about it. She crouched down and picked up the now soaked up box in her hands, opening it carefully, not to get the glass inside on her hands. She was right. The liquid was indeed blood and in there nestled in between the pieces of glass sat a half wet note card. Hyein pulled it out carefully not to tear the note and it had yet another threat, as she had expected.

You'll die the most painful death.

"You'll die the most painful death? Ha! I can't believe this guy." Taehyung exclaimed, reading the note aloud from behind Hyein. Another threat? Why was the guy sending them threats and he had gone so far as to send him a bottle of animal blood this time? Was this indeed a hater, like Taehyung had mentioned?

Hyein observed the glass container inside. It was a perfume bottle with the initial E that stood for Ethereal engraved on it. It was an old model of perfume Ethereal had launched in it's beginning phase. At that time, Ethereal wasn't as big as it was now. What did it mean? Was it a clue?

"Do you think it could be someone from the company?"

"The company? I don't think anyone fr- Aaaah!" Taehyung cried out when he felt a searing pain in his arm.

"Oh no, I'll go get the car ready Mr.Taehyung; meanwhile, try to keep your arm in the same position," Hyein said, as she quickly rushed out of the house to get the car started and Taehyung did as he was told.


Turns out Taehyung's arm got fractured. That was the reason it was paining him so much. Hyein was so sorry. Of course, she should be, after all, it should have been her instead of Taehyung sitting there in pain.  But still, this was going a bit overboard.

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