Chapter 10

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It's been a long ass two weeks. G has refused to leave Kenzie's room full stop and we are all pretty worried about him. Kayla has been getting more depressed the longer Kenzie has been out, with the last 24 hours being the worst. The Drs started the process to wake Kenzie and she seems to be taking the piss about coming back to us. Now Kayla is refusing to leave our bed until Kenzie wakes. The team at work has been great. I've taken some vacation time to be there for everyone when she finally decides she wants to open those peepers.

I hear a knock at the door and look up to see Mav strolling in with Jessica.

"Uncy Fwankie!" Jessica comes running over to me and jumps into my arms giving me the tightest hug her little arms can manage.

"Hey princess! Wow that's a huge hug. Thank you." This little cracker just giggles in my arms as I gently squeeze her.

"You squishing me." Her little giggle is adorable. "Daddy... help!" Mav laughs as I reluctantly let her go. That little girl has no idea how much I needed that hug and to see her cheery face.

"Any news?" I ask Mav. He shakes his head, sadness etched on his face.

"Nothing yet. I mean you'd think she had slept enough in the last two weeks." He says in frustration. Mav is a hot head and often gets angry when in fact he's upset.

"It's probably the best sleep she's had since getting with G." I laugh, trying to get him to relax a little. It seems to work as he rolls his eyes with a smile.

"Speaking of G when did you last hear from him?" He asks me.

"He text this morning to ask if we are coming in."

"I know Granger was going in and was going to try and get him to go home." Mav says.

"He hasn't left her side in two weeks, he isn't going to now." I say and we both look at each other. I can tell we are thinking the same thing.

"I'm worried about him man."

"Me too." I nod. "Plus Kenzie is going to kill us when she sees the state of him."

"Right! She's fucking scrappy bro." His eyes widen and I can't help but laugh at him.

"Look why don't we get the guys together and pull him away for a couple hours, even if it's in the family room. It's still close but he's getting a break. I'm sure Kayla will sit with Kenzie." I suggest and I hear Mav's phone ping. He takes a minute to read the text.

"You know what, it's worth a shot. That was Granger, surprise surprise G wouldn't leave so he is grabbing him a coffee. Says he looks like shit." I see that look of sadness again. I feel for Mav, his baby sister is in a coma and his best friend is basically shutting down. Don't get me wrong we are all close, but those two have known each other since preschool. There's a bond between them that runs deep.

"Well it's decided then."

"How's Kayla doing anyway?" He asks the dreaded question and I let out a sigh.

"Not good man. It's like she loses a piece of herself each day this goes on. Yesterday was hard on her. She expected Kenzie to be awake within minutes, we came home and she went straight to bed and cried all day. She is refusing to get up until Kenzie wakes."

"You should've called man, we would've been here."

"Come on Mav you are all worried sick yourselves, plus you've got Jessica to think of. I just didn't want to make things worse."

"What about you though?" He asks and I'm slightly taken aback. "Who have you had to support you? Kayla's hard work at the best of times never mind going through this. Uncle Luke would've sat with her and I would've been here. Chelsea has been great with taking Jessica a bit more right now... wait... where is Jessica?" Panic sets in as we look around the room and she is nowhere to be seen.

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