Chapter 34

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It's the morning after my run in with Kenzie's elbow and I prepare myself as I walk in to work. 3...2...1...

"What the fuck happened to you!?" My beautiful fianceè has left me with a cracking shiner on my eye and of course Rex is the first to spot it. Because he asked loud enough that the next town over could hear him, everyone turns to take a look at what he is shouting about.

"Jesus son!" Dad puts down the paperwork he was going through and walks over to get a better look.

"Who do I need to go kick the shit out of?" Granger asks and from the look on his face I can't tell whether he is mucking around or not.

"I'm not 10 Granger!" My brother gets me in a head lock and gives me a noogie as I try to fight him off.

"Awww you're still my baby brother though." He laughs as he drives his fist into my head.

"Fuck off!" I laugh as I manage to get free from him. Phil comes walking through with a tray of brews and does a double take.

"What in the hell?"

"Can we stop going on about it please?" I ask them however I already know that these assholes will want the details.

"Not until you tell us who did it." Granger says so I drop my head and mumble Kenzie making sure it's inaudible.

"Who?" Phil asks me again. I should've known that wouldn't work. This lot are worse than a bunch of women.

"Woah!" Max's eyes widen as he and Scooby come through from the back.

"Look at your face!" Scooby yells out as he points to me.

"He was just telling us who did it." Dad tells them and everyone looks at me, waiting in anticipation. I consider telling them I got jumped while at the store but that is only going to be more trouble than it's worth so instead I take a deep breath and say,

"Kenzie did it." There is silence and blank stares all around. I look at each of them before shrugging my shoulders. I've literally just taken one step forward when I hear Granger.

"No!" I nod and he looks at me trying to work out whether I'm talking out of my ass or not.

"Yes, Kenzie gave me a black eye." The blank stares have now turned into smirks.

"My baby girl wouldn't do that." Rex smiles and I raise my eyebrow at him.

"Your baby girl?"

"Is this because of what you said to her yesterday morning?" Phil laughs.

"No! It's because..."

"DARLIN!" Dad shouts out, interrupting me. We turn around to see Kenzie waddle towards us.

"Wow! You look..."

"Amazing!" Granger says, cutting off Scooby who is solely focussed on the size of her bump. These wankers are going to get me killed, I never know what is going to come out of their mouths and whether or not it will upset Kenzie.

"Morning guys." She smiles and gives them a little wave as she comes up next to me.

"Everything alright Sugar?" I ask as I pull her in to kiss her temple while rubbing her bump. The babies are kicking up a storm in there at the moment. It amazes me how Kenzie can just get on with it, it must feel extremely weird.

"Yeah." She says as she just stands there. Everyone's just looking at her waiting for her to say more.

"So what brings you here?" I finally say since it doesn't look like she is going to offer anything up.

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