Chapter 38

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"What!" She yells at me.

"You can't say that!"

"Watch me, AARRGGHH!"

"Arghhh!" Twelve hours. Twelve fucking hours Kenzie has been in labour! I don't know how people do this shit. I've never seen Kenzie like this before. It's like being in the presence of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde. One minute she is fine then a contraction hits and she turns into Freddy Kruegar and is out for blood. I suppose I should be grateful the twins have gone from being the spawn of Satan to Gremlins. "Shit Kenzie, my hand!" She is once again crushing my hand through another contraction while she puffs away on gas and air. Just then the Dr comes in.

"Hi MaKenzie, how are you doing?" Dr Swanson asks while smiling. This is no time to smile love.

"The pain is horrendous, please make it stop." Kenzie begs her.

"Please!" I look to the Dr, pleading with her. I'm not just asking for Kenzie's sake at this point, I'm not going to be able to use my hand after this and Kenzie has threatened my balls so many times now that I'm actually worried. I see both the Dr and J.J stifle their laughs.

"We will get you some stronger meds ok. I'm just going to examine you. Kenzie nods and Dr Swanson examines her. "OK we are halfway there."

"Halfway!" Kenzie and I both shout out at the same time and J.J just laughs at us.

"We will get you some more meds and check you again soon. So far both Mum and babies are doing fine." Dr Swanson says.

"She is not fine!" As soon as I say it I know I'm in trouble. I turn around to look at Kenzie and she is just glaring at me.

"I will leave you to it, remember if you need anything press the buzzer." The Dr tells us before heading out of the room.

"I better phone everyone and update them." J.J says as she stands from her seat.

"I'll do it!" I jump up and J.J just smirks at me as I'm quick to offer my services.

"Wouldn't you rather stay here?" She asks me with a cheeky smile. She knows the answer already.

"I could do with some fresh air." I tell her as I grab my phone and wallet and head to the door.

"Babe?" I stop dead and gulp hard before I slowly turn around, wondering which Kenzie I will be met with.

"Yes Sugar?"

"Can you bring me back a tea please." She smiles at me. I let out the breath I didn't realise I was holding as I see we currently have loveable Kenzie with us.

"Of course. J.J can I get you anything?"

"Could you grab me a coffee please I really need the caffeine." J.J smiles at me.

"On it." I say as I leave the room and make my way outside. When we realised it was going to be a long labour we sent everyone home and promised to keep them updated. As Kenzie is considered high risk the Dr's want to keep an eye on her so kept her in. As it's freaking early in the morning I phone the one person I can totally offload to without having to censor what I say.

Phone call - Harry: Greyson? Are my grandbabies here?

Phone call - Greyson: I fucking wish!

I hear him erupt into laughter over the phone.

Phone call - Greyson: Dad it's not even funny, she's gone psycho!

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