Chapter 35

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It's been a couple of months since G and I proposed to the twins and it's been interesting to say the least. Some eejit let slip the minor disagreement G and I had when we first found out we both wanted to propose. Yes I'm aware it wasn't minor and yes I'm aware it was me who kinda caused the whole thing. The girls got together and informed us they wanted a joint wedding. The look on our faces must have been comical. They kept it up for a week before Kenzie slipped up due to baby brain. They admitted that they don't want a joint wedding, they were just saying that to wind us up and get us back.

"So you finally have dates locked in?" Grant asks G and I. The lads have got together at Jamie's for a few drinks. I was kinda hoping I wouldn't have to discuss weddings.

"Yeah, unless Kayla changes her mind for the thousandth time."

"A little stressed there bro?" Jamie laughs at me.

"Man you have no idea. First she wanted a summer wedding then she said no that will be too hot. Then she wanted a winter wedding but said that it would be too cold. Then she changes her mind every day of the week as to whether she wants it inside or outside."

"You know what Kayla's like man, this will get worse before it gets better." Mav laughs. He's not wrong either, this is going to be torture.

"Dallas said Kenzie wants it outside." Grant says to G who starts nodding.

"Yeah, I'm trying to convince her to book for next spring." He tells us which stuns me a little.

"I'm surprised at that, I thought you would've had it booked by now." I laugh at him, we all know he would be married to her by now if he had his way. He shakes his head before answering.

"Because she wants it outside I think autumn or spring would be best. I want her to pick her dress based on what she wants, not based on the weather. Plus we are already into the summer and the twins could come anyday now, I want her to enjoy motherhood not be worrying over how she will look in a dress. So I think we should go for next spring."

"Fucking hell G!"


"You are totally sounding like a pussy right now." Jamie laughs at him, he's not the only one the rest of us are having a chuckle.

"Fuck off!"

"I hate to say it bro but they're right. You don't sound like the G I grew up with right now." Mav smirks.

"Is that right? Maybe you should phone your sister and get her to tell you exactly what I was doing to her this morning to make her scream so loud. I'll sound like the G you know then." He smirks back.

"Oh fuck!" I blurt out.

"He never just said that!" Grant says with his eyes wide and his mouth dropped open.

"That was fucking awesome!" Jamie says while pissing himself laughing. G and I try not to discuss our sex lives too much, I mean it comes up from time to time, we are a group of horny youngish guys with incredibly sexy women. But when your woman is your friend's younger sister then you don't tend to give too much away.

"I don't know whether to be impressed you had the balls to hit back with a comment like that or chop your balls off for talking about my sister like that!"

"Mav, the look on your face." Jamie is laughing so hard the tears are streaming down his face. G chuckles before continuing.

"Look, my point is, if giving my wife and kids everything they want and making sure they never worry about a thing makes me a pussy then so be it. But I'm a pussy who lays it down in his home and makes sure my woman is satisfied physically as well as mentally and materialisticly."

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