Chapter 9

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What did he just say?

"Can you repeat that please?" Dad asks, as if reading my mind.

"Of course, the baby is fine. We carried out an ultrasound and everything looks good." He definitely said baby. I'm standing there completely speechless just staring at the Dr.

"How far on is she?" Granger asks and the Dr looks confused before he realises that none of us are aware of the pregnancy. He approaches me again.

"I'm so sorry I assumed you knew. MaKenzie is around six weeks pregnant." He tells me but I'm still just staring like a moron.

"No he didn't." Kayla answers for me. "Kenzie didn't either, she was drinking last night. No way would she have done that if she knew."

"I will leave you all to digest the news. Congratulations again." The Dr and the nurse leave the room and I'm still frozen to the spot.

"How did she not know she was pregnant six weeks on?" I hear Mav ask. Good fucking question.

"Your mum was about ten weeks pregnant with you before she found out." Dale reminds us all. He loves winding J.J up about that.

"I told you all she was another J.J." Dylan laughs.

"Greyson?" J.J calls on me. I can hear them but I'm not really paying attention. There's so many thoughts going through my head. After the miscarriage we knew we definitely wanted to try for a baby at some point but we were scared incase we lost another one. We didn't even know she was pregnant the last time and the loss shattered us, we couldn't face knowing we were pregnant and having all those hopes and dreams ripped from us again. We had agreed to wait a year and attend counselling to help with our anxieties however once the year was up Kenzie never raised it and I didn't want her to feel pressured so I never pushed it. Now I'm not only facing the uncertainty of what will happen to my girlfriend but also my baby. I feel like my head is about to explode.

"Greyson?" Dean calls on me.

"Bro, are you alright?" I hear Granger say.


I open my eyes to see the tiles of the ceiling.

"Guys he's awake!" I hear Dylan's voice and I try to sit up.

"Woah, steady there." Next thing I know Mav is next to me trying to help me sit up.

"What happened?" I ask as I rub my head, my head is banging. My brother comes walking into the room with a nurse and it's then I realise I'm in my own hospital room.

"You hit the deck man, cracked your head off the floor." Frankie informs me.

"Boy don't you dare scare me like that again, you hear?" Dad warns me and if I hadn't have cracked my head he probably would have smacked it himself. The nurse comes over and she is doing the whole "how many fingers am I holding up" business. I answer her questions with the attitude of a teenager but finally she finishes.

"He's fine, moody but fine." She smiles.

"Thank you." Granger gives her his best smile. Is he really flirting with the nurse right now?

"Yeah thanks. Sorry it's been a shit night, I didn't mean to be a dick to you." I apologise to the nurse. The poor woman is only doing her job, she doesn't need me acting like an ass.

"You've definitely had a lot to deal with. I appreciate the apology. Thank you. I will just get your discharge papers and you are free to go see your girl." She smiles at me and I smile back, relieved I can finally see Kenzie.

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