Chapter 22

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I just sit here staring at my front door from inside my car. "Come on Frankie, you will be fine, she will be alright." I finish with my shitty pep talk and finally find the courage to move. I get out of the car and slowly make my way to the door. I take a deep breath before heading inside while trying to plaster a semi natural smile on my face to hide the look of fear.

"Baby?" I cautiously look around but I can't see her. I hear the t.v on upstairs so she must've decided to watch a movie in bed. I decide to grab a glass of water before heading up. I'm so fucking anxious that my mouth is drier than the Sahara. "OH SHIT!" I just about jump out of my skin as I walk into the kitchen and see Kayla standing there in a sexy set of jammies. "Wow baby you look hot." She doesn't even look up at me as she pours herself a glass of wine, a very large glass of wine. From the looks of it she has polished the whole bottle. "Woah fuck!" I quickly duck as I see the wine bottle fly directly towards my head. Fortunately it just misses me and smashes against the wall behind me. "What the fuck Kayla?"

"A bit confused there Frankie? Shocked? Hurt?" She picks up an apple from the fruit bowl and throws it at me. Again I manage to dodge it. "Now you are feeling a fraction of what I felt earlier!"


"DON'T YOU BABY ME!" She shouts at me, cutting me off. Holy shit. "Imagine how surprised I was when after you ran out of here like your ass was on fire I phone my sister to find out you are there."


"I'M STILL TALKING!" I gulp and nod my head, she is furious with me. "I then get a return phone call from Kenzie to find out that you and G had decided to head to Mav's house!" She throws another apple and this time it bounces off my head.

"Argh, shit!" I'm just grateful the knives aren't in reach right now. Just then my phone pings.

"You better get that it might have something to do with why you had to leave so quickly."



"I'm sorry." I say, finally managing to get an apology out.

"What are you sorry for Frankie?" She glares at me.

"I've upset you." I internally cringe because stating the obvious is not the answer she is looking for right now.

"You don't even know what you've done wrong do you?" She yells at me. Honestly... no. I knew she would be angry but this is fucking extreme. "You used me!"

"What?" My eyes widen at hearing her accusation.

"You literally seduced me to get me to tell you what G spoke to me about then the second I told you, you ran out of that fucking door only for me to then find out you went to hang out with your friends!" Her voice breaks slightly while she yells at me, she is trying her best not to cry in front of me.

"It wasn't like that!" I raise my voice hoping she will realise that was not my intention.

"You left me on my own feeling used, cheap, confused and hurt!" Shit, I didn't mean for her to get hurt.

"Kayla I..."

"I don't want to hear it Frankie. You didn't care enough to tell me what was going on or even phone to check in so I really don't care to hear it now." She's stopped shouting at least but the tone in her voice is still angry. "I'm going to bed." She walks past me with her glass of wine. I step away, I don't need a black eye or a burst testicle right now. "You can take one of the spare rooms, better yet, why don't you go and stay with one of your buddies."

"You don't mean that!" I say as she walks away from me. She can't mean that. She turns at the bottom of the stairs and looks at me. I see the hurt in her eyes and a single tear falls down her cheek.

"You don't want to test me right now Frankie, you really don't." I watch as she turns around and heads up the stairs. I know when she gets to our bedroom because she slams the door so hard I'm pretty sure the house shook.

"FUCK!" I grab a glass and a bottle of whiskey and sit at our dining table. I pull my phone out of my pocket and see a text from G.

Greyson: Yo Frankie, Mav and Dani weren't lying. They're pissed!!!

Frankie: No! You don't say!!

Ok so I know I'm being a dick but I'm still trying to process what she just said to me.

Greyson: I'm guessing you just had your ass handed to you as well?

Frankie: That's the polite way of saying it. What happened with Kenzie?

Greyson: The little shit wore sexy lingerie wound me up and then told me to leave the bedroom. What about Kayla?

Frankie: Shit man, that's cold! Oh you know, I got a bottle of wine and two apples thrown at me (I dodged the first two but not the third) then she banished me to the spare room.

Greyson: Jesus! Are you alright?

Frankie: We really fucked up!

Greyson: Yeah this is going to take a lot of groveling to fix this one!

Frankie: I'm in so much shit I have no idea how I'm going to get out of it!

Greyson: She loves you man, once she calms down you will be fine.

This just shows how good a guy G is. He is also clearly in trouble with Kenzie but instead of blaming me, which if I'm honest he could totally do, he is supporting and reassuring me. Ok so it might not be so bad if we are both engaged at the same time but... I'm gonna make sure I propose first and I'm sure as hell going to make sure that Kayla gets the best proposal ever so that no one can match it. First however I need to get her to forgive me. I make my way upstairs and stop outside our bedroom door. I can hear talking so I quietly sneak up to the door and listen in.

Phone call - Makayla: I just lost it. I took one look at him and just threw the bottle.

Phone call - Makayla: He's fine, he dodged it.

Phone call - Makayla: He really hurt me Kenz, he used me. He got what he wanted and then ran out of the door leaving me there. He hadn't even realised what he did, he looked completely shocked when I told him. He obviously hadn't given me a second thought when he ran out on me.

Phone call - Makayla: Anyway enough about me, what did you do to G?

Phone call - Makayla: No way!

I wait until she is off the phone, the last thing I want to do is piss her off even more. I need her to know I wasn't using her. It kills me to know I've hurt her like this. I knock on the door and open it.


"FUCK OFF!" I quickly shut the door as the projectile comes flying at me. Damn she's really pissed, she just wasted her wine throwing it at me. I make my way to the spare room and strip down getting into the bed. This is a nightmare. I have absolutely no idea how I'm going to fix this. What I do know though is that my firecracker hasn't finished punishing me yet.

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