Chapter 21

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We both pull up at Mav's at the same time. He's already standing in his doorway and he looks pissed. I jump out of the car and charge forward.

"Do you two asshats wanna tell me why I've just had both my little sisters on a three way call, bitching my fucking ear off about you both and telling me that you are on your way here after you left them in a mood that the even the Devil himself would be shitting it!"

"You knew about his proposal!" We both shout at the same time while pointing at each other and marching up his front path.

"Oh shit!" We hear Jamie shout out. Frankie and I turn to look behind us. We're doing everything in sync you would think we were each other's mirror image. In all the shouting we hadn't even heard Jamie pull up with Grant.

"I called reinforcements. I figured if whatever you two needed to see me about was so important that you pissed off the twins from the shining then you'd also need the boys."

"Where the fuck are your shoes and top?" Grant asks and I notice he is looking at me and it's only then I realise I'm standing there in just my jeans. I was so focussed on getting here I forgot about my shoes when I tossed them in the car.

"That doesn't matter right now." I wave him off.

"G says you gave him your blessing?" Frankie says to Mav.

"I did." He says casually

"And you gave it to Frankie too?" I ask.


"You could've fucking said something!" I yell at him.

"Hey man, that's not my place." He's got a stupid fucking grin on his face that I would like to wipe off

"So when did you find out about his plans?" Frankie asks him.

"The morning we left the hospital, before you spoke to us." Mav tells him.

"Ha! I asked first!" I point in his face and jump up and down.

"What are you, like five?" Jamie laughs.

"Fuck off Jamie!" Frankie and I shout at him.

"Wow are you sure it's your girlfriends that are twins and not you." Grant laughs at us. This is getting ridiculous.

"I don't see what the problem is." Mav laughs at us.

"The problem is that this fucking douchebag came pounding on my door and then cockblocked me by creeping through the window at my semi naked woman all so he could tell me that I can't fucking propose!"

"Well when you put it like that..." Jamie says. He and Grant are finding this entertaining and Mav now looks pissed again. I probably shouldn't have brought up the cockblocking or semi naked sister.

"Is one sister not enough for you?" Mav glares at Frankie.

"It wasn't fucking like that! He wouldn't answer the door and I knew he was in there so I looked through the window. How the fuck was I supposed to know they were trying to fuck on the couch?"

"Ehhh because it's G and Kenzie." Jamie smirks.

"Jamie!" We all shout at him and he and Grant just burst out laughing. Just then Dani comes outside.

"Get inside the lot of you, you will not stand out on the front garden shouting about your sex lives like a bunch of horny teenagers, now move!" Shit, we're in trouble now. We all drop our heads and make our way inside. We look like five of the seven dwarfs as we fall in line and march inside. Grumpy, Dopey and Happy all sit down while Frankie and I pace the floor. "Does somebody wanna tell me what the bloody hell is going on?" Oh great, we've pissed off another female. "Is this why Kayla and Kenzie have blown up the girls group chat? Because right now your names are mud!" Dopey and Happy are laughing. "I dunno what you two are laughing at, your women aren't happy with your disappearance either." Their faces fall and Mav sits there smirking, she turns to him next. "And you can wipe that smirk off your face Maverick Turner I know you're involved in this somehow." She is standing with her arms folded and tapping her foot. I think Mav is actually starting to sweat. They stare each other out for a minute before he sighs.

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