Chapter 4

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Everyone is sitting staring at Mav and Dani after Peanut's revelation. Mav is too busy grinning at his daughter before he finally looks up and sees us.

"No not us! Chelsea is pregnant again." Chelsea is Jessica's mum. Mav and Chelsea slept together a few times while drunk and Chelsea fell pregnant. They've never been together as a couple but are best friends and work together to raise Jessica. It's through Chelsea that Mav met his wife Dani as she is Chelsea's best friend.

"Bloody hell Uncle Mav, you could've led with that!" Brad shakes his head as he says what we are all thinking.

"To be fair the announcement didn't quite turn out how we practiced it in the car." Dani tells us while laughing.

"Yeah well 2 year olds can be unpredictable." Teagan laughs.

"So you're gonna be a big sister Princess?" Dale says as he ruffles her hair.

"Yeah, my baba."

"Me want one!" Jayden shouts out.

"You want a baby too Jay?" Leanne asks him.

"Yeah!" He waves his little arms in the air in excitement.

"You'll need to ask your Mum and Dad buddy." Caleb tells him with a smile.

"Pweeeez!" The wee guy looks at his parents and gives them a toothy smile.

"Forget it, my vaj is still getting over him!" Kinley says to us and Brax, who was taking a drink to avoid answering his son, starts choking.

"Does it really feel different after?" Frankie blurts out and we all turn to look at him.

"Did you really just ask that in front of my family?" Kayla asks him in disbelief.

"I didn't mean to say that out loud." The look of shock on his face is actually quite comical and Kayla just shakes her head at him. I'm sitting here secretly hoping his little outburst has saved me from yesterday.

"So, G, Frankie, how were you both feeling this morning?" Dani asks while smiling at us.

"Rough isn't the word." Frankie says before taking a deep breath.


"Mav was in a right state when he got home, paid for it this morning though, right babe?" Dani nudges Mav and he rolls his eyes at her. Looks like he has been getting teased all day about it.

"Just the thought of drink was making me wanna hurl." He says with a shudder.

"Were you out?" Dean asks us.

"Nah Jamie wanted us round to tell us he has a girlfriend. Turned into a bit of a session." I tell them. Everyone's head shoots up with a look of surprise on their faces.

"Bloody hell, I never thought I would hear that! Nathan says while Mav, Frankie and I nod our heads.

"Yeah well the whole night was pretty enlightening." Mav says and I can feel his eyes burning through me.

"How so?" Lily asks. Someone was bound to. I brace myself for the answer.

"We got into a debate about anal." Mav tells everyone. And there it is. I suppose I should be grateful he didn't come right out and say it was because of me.

"Mav!" Dani slaps his arm, looks like they have already discussed it.

"I shouldn't have asked." Lily laughs.

"Oh I want to hear this." Dale says while also laughing.

"Yeah maybe not in front of the kids." Teagan points out while gesturing to Brody. At 5 years old he is asking questions about everything at the moment.

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