Chapter 1: Meet

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I will change the plot to make it more interesting.


Chapter 1: Meet

Alphas are known for being the strongest and toughest among the wolves. They have the highest rank and are feared by the other creature. They are also mean and jerks because of their attitude.

However, Jungkook was different, he's not that kind of Alpha. He was the sweetest and kindest Alpha that's why people love him.

Omegas are the lowest ranks, they are the weakest and easiest target. They aren't feared because they were treated as fragile or the worst is bed warmer.

Yet, Taehyung is the exact opposite. He doesn't really care about ranking, he barely gives a shit about it. He wasn't the sweetest but the sassiest. But unbelievably the most innocent omega.

Taehyung was in rush, he was going to apply for a job and today was the interview.

"Come on, move faster, you're going to be late." His friend, Nicole said while leaning on Taehyung's door frame.

She's a beta but already marked even though it's not her mate because beta barely can have one. She's Taehyung's roommate for a while because Taehyung was still looking for a job and living away from his parents.

"It's your fault, you didn't wake me. I told you to wake me up." Taehyung grumbled in annoyance while wearing his shoes.

"What's the use of your alarm clock?" Nicole sighed and left.

Taehyung grabbed his bag and run away from the house. He parked a taxi which luckily came fast. He was fixing his black necktie to look representable in the interview.

"We're here" The taxi driver said when they arrived at the J's company.

Taehyung thanks the driver and walk faster to get inside the company. It was already 8:30 and the interview schedule was 9:00 am.

He stopped in front of the elevator, waiting for it. He opened his bag to get his files. But while looking for it, he was dragged by someone to move aside.

"What the actual freak?!" He groans seeing an Alpha get inside first with his two guards.

"Just go to another elevator, the boss had to use this one."

"I don't care, I'm the one who came first. Don't be so unfair just because your boss is an Alpha!" Taehyung growled standing between the elevator door.

"It's okay, I'm sorry. It seems you are eager. If you want we can use this together."

The voice was handsome and Taehyung won't be lying because the owner of the voice was also a good-looking man. He was wearing a white button-up shirt that was tucked in on his black pants.

"I don't want to go with you, leave this elevator instead." Taehyung insisted.

"Hey! Don't you know w---"

"Sure, you can get inside now."

The man said going outside of the elevator. Taehyung tsked and get inside the elevator. He rolled his eyes when the elevator door was now closed.


"It seems like you met someone who doesn't know you."

The pink-haired boy, Jimin appeared beside Jungkook.

"I'm surprised but he seems in rush." Jungkook giggled.

"You're so kind for an Alpha. At least try to use your CEO card. That will be useless, you know." Jimin said sighing.

"I don't want to, I'm sure he will feel shame if I do that." Jungkook retorted.

"But I don't like how he acts as if he owns the elevator. The elevator is big, you two can fit inside yet he wants to be solo inside." Jimin muttered.

"I don't wanna make a scene, he will surely get mad at me. Besides, it's just an elevator." Jungkook smiled.

"Yeah, whatever." Jimin sighed in defeat.

They got inside the elevator with their guards.


"Good Morning everyone, please wait here for a while because the CEO will be late a little but he's coming now. Once he's here, we can start the interview."

The woman who was in her mid-'20s said, she looks like an assistant because she was wearing a gray pencil skirt, a white formal feminine shirt with a gray blazer on top, and red high heels.

Taehyung sighed in relief knowing that he wasn't that late. 15 - 20 applicants are sitting in the waiting area and Taehyung was on the 10th chair. Suddenly, they heard footsteps, Taehyung saw the same guy earlier.

"CEO Jeon, the applicants are here."

The great Jeon Jungkook smiled and nodded his head. He got inside his office to start the interview.

Taehyung immediately looks down due to embarrassment. He can't believe he fought with the CEO. No way, he can't back off, it's hard to find a job like this. He smacked his forehead, scolding himself under his breath.

"Okay, 6-10 please come inside."

Taehyung sucks a huge amount of air. He stood up but his legs were shaking like a jelly. The assistant opened the door for them and they got inside. They took their seats, Taehyung accidentally glance at the CEO Alpha in front of him who happened doing the same.

"You're so stupid, Taehyung."

Taehyung chants in his thoughts knowing he freaked up so bad.

"Next, Kim Taehyung" Jungkook announced.

Yet, Taehyung was lost in his thoughts still scolding himself.

"Kim Taehyung! Can you hear me?" Jungkook inquired looking at him.

Taehyung flinched when the person beside him, tapped him.

"Y-yes?" He asked confusedly he was still shocked.

"You're next."

Taehyung smiled and stood up. He walked in front of the CEO, sitting down but he didn't look at him. And Jungkook started to ask some questions.

"Okay, everyone is done, you can leave now." Jungkook said once he was done with Taehyung.

Everyone was leaving except for Taehyung who stood up in front of the CEO. He swallowed hard and anxiously looked at Jungkook.

"I-I would like to say sorry." He started swallowing his pride.

"Are you sorry because I'm the CEO or are you sorry genuinely?" Jungkook asked crossing his arms.

"Both? I'm really sorry, I don't care if I didn't pass this interview but I apologized for bad-mouthing you. You don't deserve what I said to you. I hope you forgive me." Taehyung stated, biting his bottom lip.

Jungkook stood up, Taehyung close his eyes afraid of what he will do to him.

"It's alright, I understand. You don't have to worry." Jungkook said and patted Taehyung's hair.

The omega surprisingly looked at him with his innocent confused doe eyes. And he can't help but chuckle

"Thank you, but please tell me what should I do so I could at least do something for you. I promise I will do anything." Taehyung pleaded and held Jungkook's hands.

"Sure, I will tell you but I will think about it." Jungkook smiled.

"Thank you, thank you for your kindness." Taehyung jumped in happiness.

He didn't even notice that he hug Jungkook who didn't mind it and hugged him back.

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