Chapter 7: Suit

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Chapter 7: Suit

When they went to the counter to pay for the suit that Jungkook chooses for him, he just hid behind the Alpha, still shame of what happened. He should be the one paying since it was his fault but it turned out to be vice versa.

He wants to slap himself for being so stupid and clumsy at the same time.

"You two are together? Like..."

He looked over Jungkook's shoulder when he heard the cashier speak and he was confused about what the cashier meant by that. Like, why she suddenly asked that kind of question? Is there something weird?


He might not able to see the Alpha's face but he can feel that he was smiling.

"Have a nice day for both of you, you two look good together. Wishing you two for happy future." The beta cashier smiled.

"Thank you" Jungkook giggled after paying for the suit that he bought.

The omega was confusedly listening to them with a bit of pout on his lips.

"We should get going now." Jungkook spoke patting Taehyung's back to earn his attention.

Taehyung hummed and nodded his head, they leave the mall, and Jungkook being the gentleman Alpha he is, opened the door car for the omega and Taehyung muttered 'thank you' before going inside the car. He just watched Jungkook who was changing his suit and followed Taehyung inside. He started to drive to go to his company.

When they arrived, Jungkook did the same thing to the door car and help the omega to get out of his car.

"Thank you for buying for me, Jungkook. Next time, I'll treat you when I got my salary." Taehyung uttered.

"You don't have to thank me, hyung, just think it's my gift for you as a friend." Jungkook replied ruffling Taehyung's hair.

"Still, I don't think I deserve your kindness. It felt too much, Jungkook." Taehyung mumbled biting his bottom lip.

The Alpha touched his chin and looked at him.

"You should get used to it, pup, I might spoil you when we get closer." Jungkook smiled tapping Taehyung's chin.

Taehyung can't be wrong, Jungkook was changing his tone when calling him 'pup'. It was sweet yet with a tiny hint of possessiveness. He wasn't sure, maybe he was just being delusional. He can't help but feel a heat rush to his cheeks.

"I- I'm going now, my co-workers might be looking for me. See you again." Taehyung bowed his head and didn't hesitate to run away from the Alpha even though he almost stumbled.


Taehyung sighed deeply when he go back to the department with a shopping bag that- Jungkook bought for him. He sat down on his chair and put down the shopping bag on top of his desk.

"Wow, that was a Gucci." Taeui suddenly came while holding a cup of coffee.

"Yeah, gift by a friend." Taehyung smiled a bit and started to type on the keyboard.

"Can I take a look? I've always wanted to buy one from Gucci." Taeui asked sipping on his cup.

"Sure" Taehyung responded focusing on his computer.

He heard the bag shuffling and Taeui was amazed yet got suspicious.

"Don't lie, Tae, this one is a gift from your boyfriend, no?" Taeui smirked.

"What?" Taehyung turned his head around confusedly.

"This style, I knew it, this is for couples designed for LGBTQ couples." Taeui told him while scanning the suit.

"You must be wrong, that is from my friend." Taehyung took the suit and hid it back in the shopping bag.

"Tae, don't worry, I'm not going to judge you or something. I don't mind if you are in a relationship, it's okay for a good-looking omega like you." Taeui giggled.

"Y- you're wrong, this is literally from my friend. I saw my friend in the mall while I'm with Mr. Jeon." Taehyung trying to lie.

"Maybe you're right tho, if I'm not wrong, I saw Mr. Jeon also wearing the same suit as you. I guess I mistook it." Taeui sighed.

"You should go back to do your own work, I have to finish mine." Taehyung muttered looking back to the computer.

"Right, let's just talk later, the team leader is strict." Taeui soughed and go back to his desk.

Taehyung bit his bottom lip, now he understand why the beta cashier suddenly asked that question, the cashier thought he and Jungkook are a couple. He's slow not realizing it.


Taehyung stretched his arms and creaked his neck when he finished his work. His work hours are also done, he stood up and left his department after bidding goodbye to his co-workers. It's 8:30 pm and he wants to check if Jungkook was still in his office, he just wanted to tell something to him.

"Hi, Is Mr. Jeon still in his office?" Taehyung asked the female omega, Jungkook's secretary.

"Yes, what do you need?" Yan replied smiling sweetly.

"Can I talk to him if he's not busy?" Taehyung inquired wetting his bottom lip.

"I let him know first, may I ask your name?" Yan retorted inquiring.

"It's Kim Taehyung." Taehyung told her and sighed.

"Okay, just wait here," Yan said standing up from her seat and standing in front of Jungkook's door.

She knocked 3 times and Taehyung almost flinched hearing the stern voice reply inside the office. Was that Jungkook's voice?

"Mr. Jeon, a certain person named Kim Taehyung wants to see you, should I let him in?" He heard Yan speak.

"Yes, you can also leave after that." And now, Taehyung was sure that was Jungkook.

"Kim Taehyung, you may come in." Yan called him moving aside so he can go inside.

Taehyung thanked her before going inside the office. He saw Jungkook was writing down something and was busy. He shouldn't come at all, he doesn't want to bother him while working. He can smell the stinky scent of the Alpha and he knew Jungkook wasn't in the good mood.

"What makes you come here, hyung?" Jungkook inquired with a tiny hint of sternness in his tone.

"It's nothing, I'll just say it when you aren't busy. I'm sorry for bothering you, I will go now." Taehyung turned around attempting to leave.

"Pup, if you keep doing that, I felt like you are running away from me." This time, Jungkook's tone was soft every time he called Taehyung pup as usual.

"It's not like that, I just don't want to waste your time and you are busy." Taehyung immediately replied turning around to look at Jungkook who crossed his arms over his chest.

And the smell of scent of Jungkook was gradually smelling adequate.

"It's okay, hyung, besides, you're not bothering me at all. I always have time for you. Just tell me what you want to talk about, and I'll listen." Jungkook told him, releasing pheromones in his office.

Taehyung swallowed hard, thinking if it was okay to tell Jungkook about the suit. He thought maybe Jungkook had been mistaken about the suit as well because the scent was making him dizzy for some reason.

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