Chapter 2: Rumors

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Chapter 2: Rumors

Taehyung was slightly drunk when he get back to his roommate's house. He is still ashamed of what he did earlier in the company.

"Wow, you're drunk, what happened?" Nicole asked while doing her eyeliner.

But the omega plopped himself on the couch and started to cry loudly as if he was a kid.

"Uwahhhhh! I'm so stupid!" Taehyung wailed while kicking his legs in the air.

"I know you are, what's the matter?" Nicole inquired totally ignoring Taehyung's wails because she was used to it.

"How can't I recognize the CEO's face?! I even argued with the great Jeon Jungkook! And now I'm fucked!" Taehyung cried.

"What did you do to him?" Nicole asked once again.

"I say such nonsense stuff, he's my boss! It's hard to find a job, and it's my first time experiencing an interview!" Taehyung sobbed.

"Then, you should expect that you won't get accepted to that job anymore." Nicole simply said.

"But still, I have high expectations of that company. That's everyone's wish, why do I have to be so stupid that time?! Why I'm being unfortunate?!" The omega cried harder.

Suddenly, they heard someone's phone ding. Taehyung sat down properly on the couch, he took his phone from his pocket since it was his phone. He saw a notification pop out, he clicked the email and saw it was from Jungkook's company. He was sober now before he read it.

His eyes widened seeing the email that he was accepted as an intern in Jungkook's company.

"Yahhh, I got accepted Woah!!!" Taehyung suddenly yelled jumping in happiness causing Nicole to get disturbed on her eyeliner.

"What the fuck Taehyung?!" Nicole grumbled annoyed.

"Yes oooooh! I have to prepare for my beauty sleep, good night, Noona!" Taehyung ignored her and went inside his room.

Nicole cursed under her breath, she shook her head deciding to retry her eyeliner again.


The next day

Taehyung was excited to go to his new decent job. He was now standing in front of the company with a smile plastered on his face. He can't hide his excitement and it was visible on his face. He inhaled the air of fortune and got inside the company.

While he was standing in front of the elevator, waiting for it to open. He saw Jungkook go inside the elevator, he ran near him but the guard stopped him.

"You can't go inside, this elevator is only for VIPs and you're not allowed here." The guard said with a stern on his tone.

"Jungkook!" He yelled out and the Alpha looked at him.

"How dare you called him by his name? He's the CEO, show respect and call him Mr. Jeon." The small boy beside Jungkook said glaring at him.

"It's okay, hyung, what is it, Taehyung?" Jungkook asked smiling.

"I-I would like to say thank you, Jun--- I mean Mr. Jeon, I--"

"You can call me whatever you want, I won't mind." Jungkook giggled ruffling the omega's hair.

Yoongi looked at Jungkook with a 'WTH' look.

"Thank you for yesterday, and I'm so sorry for what I did and say to you. Thank you for giving me a chance, I will cherish it." Taehyung smiled genuinely feeling flustered for some reason.

"I'm glad to hear that." Jungkook grinned.

"By the way, can you tell me what you want me to do since I promised you that yesterday?" Taehyung reminded.

"Oh, about that, since you got accepted. I want you to do is to work hard. And I will watch you if you did improve every day." Jungkook simply said.

"That's it?" Taehyung retorted with a bit of pout on his lips due to confusedness.

"Yes, why? Do you want something else? Like, overtime every day?" Jungkook teased.

"Nope, that's fine. I will do my best." Taehyung chuckled.

"That's good, I will go now, yeah?" Jungkook uttered.

"Okay," The omega smiled ear to ear, enough to show his boxy smile.

"Cute" Jungkook giggled and poked the omega's nose.

Taehyung bowed 90° and watched Jungkook disappear. He cupped his cheeks, feeling the heat rose to his bread cheeks. He immediately shook his head and went inside the elevator.

"What was that?" Yoongi asked when they arrived inside Jungkook's office.

"What do you mean, hyung?" The Alpha inquired sitting on his seat and opening the black folder with files in it.

"That guy earlier, why are you so kind- No, being lovely to him?" Yoongi retorted inquiring.

"He's cute, hyung, can't I poke his nose?" Jungkook asked innocently looking at him.

"Just because he's cute? You're weird." Yoongi grumbled and rolled his eyes.

"Is that weird? He seems to like it." Jungkook muttered.

"Do you like him, no?" Yoongi asked straightforwardly.

"What makes you think I like him? He's just so cute, isn't he? You'll be weird if you said he's not." Jungkook retorted shrugging off his shoulder.

"Geez, whatever, just don't do that again, it can start a rumor." Yoongi sighed sitting on the couch.

Jungkook just shook his head and did his work.

"Did you hear a rumor?"

"What rumor?"

"It's about CEO Jeon and the intern. They said that the CEO accepted the intern because it was his spouse."

"What? Isn't the CEO mateless? How can he have a spouse? If I'm not wrong, he is loyal and waiting for his mate."

"I know right, but what's more surprising is his spouse was a boy."

That makes Taehyung choke on his strawberry yogurt shake.

"Are you okay, Taehyung?"

One of his colleagues asked worriedly.

"Y-yeah, please continue, don't mind me here." He replied with an awkward laugh and go back to typing.

"Anyways, I can't believe that, he doesn't look like a gay. I thought he's straight."

"I'm sure that intern was definitely just some toy or something."

"But where the department is that intern?"

"Planning department, here in our department."

"What? But the only intern here is you, Taehyung."

They all looked at Taehyung with curiosity while Taehyung was mumbling under his breath and his legs were shaking.

"Everyone, go back to your work and stop that rumors. Don't spread any rumors here if you don't want to get fired."

Jimin, their team leader interrupted. He glared at Taehyung who swallowed down and fidgeted his fingers.

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