Chapter 3: Party

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Chapter 3: Party

Taehyung was with the other employees in the restaurant bar having a welcome party for interns and also succeeding in the presentation.

There are a lot of beer and meats served for them and the omega was sure that he will be wasted.

"Everyone, this party is for us! We did well in our presentation and now it's our time to celebrate!"

Their assistant leader, Kyungsoo screamed, raising the huge glass of beer, and the employees yelled clapping their hands.

"And, let's welcome our interns! I hope all of you will do a good job!" Kyungsoo added clapping his hands.

"Okay, that's enough, let's drink!" The manager, Hyeol yelled from the other table.

Taehyung took a deep breath and grabbed the glass of beer. He was still shy to communicate with others even though they are welcoming him gracefully.

"Taehyung, are you okay?" His senior, Taeui inquired who was sitting beside him.

"Y-yes, anyway, where's our team leader? Isn't he suppose to be here?" Taehyung retorted asking.

"Ah, do you mean Mr. Park? He didn't really attend a party like this." Taeui replied.

"Huh? Why?" The omega asked confusedly.

"He's a silver spoon and also an Alpha. There's no way rich people like him would join us." Taeui stated.

"Still, he did the presentation, he should receive this celebration. He did a lot of work that's why this project got successful." He muttered.

"Ah, don't mind him, I'm sure he is celebrating with his rich friends in a billionaire-only club. Just drink and enjoy for today!" Taeui chuckled ruffling the omega's hair.

Taehyung drinks his second glass of beer and almost hiss due to the strong taste of beer.

"Hey, everyone, what happened to the rumors about that CEO Jeon's spouse?"

Suddenly, someone brings up that question. Taehyung cursed under his breath and drink the third glass.

"Oh yeah, he's an intern that's why he got accepted immediately into the company."

"Wow, he used his advantage to get a job."

"There are a lot of people who were valid for the job yet he gets it easily."

"Tuh-that's not true..."

Taehyung uttered enough to get heard by others.

"What are you saying, Taehyung?" Fred asked, sitting beside their table.

He immediately look up and noticed that the people were looking at him. He hiccuped, gulping.

"I...I mean, we shouldn't talk about it if it's not true. It's still a rumor, we shouldn't judge a person like that. I-I'm sorry." Taehyung gulped fidgeting his fingers and looked at them with his doe eyes when he noticed that everyone went silent.

"Aww, cute!"

"You're so adorable"

Taehyung sighed in relief biting his bottom lip.

"Aish, don't scare the interns like that! Let's just drink! You guys making him cry." Kyungsoo scolded.

They laughed and drink while playing games.


"Jimin, what are you doing here? Your teams are having a party." Asked Yoongi, sitting on the L-shaped couch beside Jimin.

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