=Chapter 2=

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2 years later (you're 12)

"Prince Zuko!" I shouted. Just then he jumped from behind a pillar. 

"Are you ready to learn to sword fight?!" He has been taking sword fighting lessons from master Pandiao for years. He decided he was going to teach me.

"Yeah! But remember we have to be back before Azula gets out training," I replied. 

He rolled his eyes, "I wish you didn't have to be with Azula all time."

"Me too Zuzu," I said

"Don't call me that!" he shouted but I Just laughed. Zuko and I have gotten a lot closer over the past couple of years. "Let's just get started," he grumbled.  

After practice, we had some time before Azula was done so we walked to Iroh's chambers. 

he smiled at the sight of us, "Prince Zuko, y/n, how was practice today?" he asked.

"It's great! She's getting really good!" Zuko replied with a smile. I blushed but he didn't notice. 

"Thank you, Prince Zuko," I smiled back.

"Shall we have some tea?" Iroh asked.


" y/n! We are hosting a very important dinner party. All the important generals and diplomats will be here,"  Azula said. " and my father has requested your attendance." she paused with a discussed look on her face. "... as a guest."

"W-what? Why?" I asked.

"He seems to think you could be useful somehow," she rolled her eyes. " Oh, and there is a dress for you in your chambers."

I walked to my room utterly confused. Sure enough, there was a dress. it was gorgeous. It was the nicest thing I had ever worn. After I put it on was sent to get my hair done.    


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I looked mirror and for the first time, I felt beautiful. I heard footsteps and turned around to see a young woman who said, " Y/N Fire Lord Ozai has to speak with you," oh no.

I walked into the throne room and kneeled in front of him. " Y/n, you have lived in the fire nation a majority of your life, yes?" Ozai said. His voice made me shudder. 

"Yes, your highness," I replied trying my hardest not to sound as nervous as I felt.     

"Yet you are of earth kingdom decent." He continued. " But you have shown great promise. I believe you can be very useful to the fire nation. You will no longer be known as my daughter Azula's handmaiden. You will be the 'fixer-upper from the earth kingdom'. All of your things have been moved to your new room. You are now of great importance," 

After the meeting was shown to my new bedroom. It was huge I couldn't believe this was happening. "Miss y/n, dinner is starting soon." said the same young woman. 

I entered the grand dining room. "y/n?" I turned to see Zuko who looked confused.

"Hello, Prince Zuko," I smiled at him. "is something wrong?" I laughed. "haven't you heard the news? I'm no longer Azula's handmaiden. I'm the 'fixer-upper from the earth kingdom' as your father puts it," his jaw dropped making me laugh again.

"Wow..." he replied          


Today was my 13th birthday. I raced to get ready. while I was fixing my hair I heard a knock. " Come in," I said with a muffled because I was holding a few bobby pins in my teeth.  Then Zuko walked in. I finished my hair and said. " Good morning Prince-" He cut me grabbing my hand and dragging me to the garden. 

"Come on!" He shouted. "I have to show you something." He stood in front of me and held out a box. "This for you,"  I took the box and opened it to find the most beautiful sword I've ever seen. "I had it made specially for you." He scratched his neck.

" He scratched his neck

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"Zuko, I- it's beautiful ." I held it out letting the sun reflect off of the emerald hilt. "I can't believe you did this for me,"       

"Y/n, you're my best friend,  I'd do anything for you," his expression suddenly turned serious. I took his hand in both of mine.

"I'd do the same for you Prince Zuko," I replied. He frowned letting go of my hands.    

"You don't always have to call me Prince Zuko you know? I think we have known each other long enough." He said.  

" I just think it has a nice ring to it!" I replied smiling. I lightly punched his arm.

"Ow!," he faked a pained grimace. 

"pfft, that didn't hurt," I scoffed. 

"Oh, it really hurt." He laughed. "I think I need to go to a healer," He teased. I bent the tiniest bit of the path below him and fell Into the pound. "Y/n!" he wined. I held out my hand to help him up but pulled me in with him.      

"Zuko!" I laughed " you butthead!" I splashed him. He laughed and splashed me back. I'm so glad I have Zuko as a friend. 


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