=Chapter 12=

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We were on a ferry heading to the station train that would take us to Ba Sing Se. My leg healed pretty well. 

"Who would have thought after all these years I'd return to my greatest military disgrace as a tourist?" Iroh smiled.

"Look around. We're not tourist. We're refugees." Zuko said grumpily. He took a sip of the food that the ship provided and sip it back out. "UGH! I'm sick of eating rotten food, sleeping in the dirt. I'm tired of living like this."  

"Aren't we all," I spun around to see a cute guy chewing on a piece of wheat look at us. "My names Jet and these are my freedom fighters, smellerbee, and long shot."

"Hey," Said the shortest of the three. 

"Hi," I said politely.

"Here the deal." the cute one said as he walked over. "I hear the captain's eating like a king while us refugees have to eat off his scraps. Doesn't seem fair does it?" 

"What sort of king is he eating like?" Iroh asked. 

"The fat, happy kind." Jet replied. "You wanna help us liberate some food?" He asked me and Zuko. 

Zuko looked down at his bowl and threw it into the ocean. "We're in."

"Always the drama queen," I muttered.  "I'm Lily, and this is Lee and Mushi." I smiled at him.

I put out my hand so he would shake it but instead he brought my hand to his face and kissed it. I blushed. He looked up at me and said, "A beautiful name for a beautiful girl."  I blushed even more. Zuko quickly snatched my hand away. 

After we got the food Jet passed it out to us and the fellow refugees. He got to me last smiling and winking as he handed it to me. I blushed a little. 

"So Smellerbee. That's an unusual name for a young man." Iroh said trying to make conversation. 

"Maybe it's because I'm not a man. I'm a girl!" She got up and walked away. Yikes!

"Oh, now I see! It's a beautiful name for a lovely girl!" He yelled as she walked away. I facepalmed.

Jet walked back over to us. "From what I heard, people eat like this every night in Ba Sing Se." He sat down putting me in between him and Zuko. "I can't wait to set my eyes on that giant  wall."

"It is a Magnificat sight," Iroh said.

"So you've been there before?" Jet asked. 

"Once, when I was a different man." He said solemnly.

"I've done some things in my past I'm not round of. But that's why I'm going to Ba Sing Se for a new beginning, a second chance." 

"That's very noble of you," I said. I could see Zuko look at me from the corner of my eye. 

"I believe people can change their lives if they want to," Iroh said.


Zuko and I stood at the edge of the ship. I Had my hands resting on the railing. I heard footsteps behind us.

"You know, as soon as I saw your scar, I knew exactly who you were." I heard Jet say. Shit.  "You're an outcast, like me." phew!  "and us outcasts have to stick together. We have to watch each other's backs, because no one else will."

"I've realized lately that being on your own isn't always the best path." Zuko placed his and on mine. I smiled looking down at our hands then up to him. He smiled back. 

You're Not Alone Zuko x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now