=Chapter 20=

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I was walking through a small fire nation city when I stopped in my tracks looking at a familiar face on a wanted poster. Someone gasped behind me and grabbed it. I spun around to see... "Sokka?" 

"What? No! Who's Sokka?" He sputtered. It's definitely him. I raised an eyebrow. His eyes widened. "The earth bender!" He breathed. 

"I knew it was you! What are you doing here? Where's Katara?" He grabbed my hand and led me into a nearby cave. 

"Where is Zuko? Is he with you?" He questioned. I shook my head.

"He's not with me. I- I left him," My voice cracked.

 "How do I know you're telling the truth?" He crossed his arms.

"Get Toph. She can tell," I said. He nodded.

"I'm going to keep my eye on you,"  He said. He left the cave and came back with toph. 

They started interrogating me.

"Are you trying to capture us?" Sokka asked.

"No," I replied.

"She's telling the truth," Toph said.

This went on like this for a while until they were satisfied. They told me to pretend I didn't see any wanted poster when they brought me to Katara. 

"Y/n? How?" She looked bewildered.

"I need to talk to all of you. I need to explain somethings," I said to the three of them. 

Katara nodded, "Sokka, go get Aang," He ran off. 

"Wha-" I started to say but was cut off.

"So, you finally did it," Katara smiled. "You left him and joined us. Somehow I knew it would happen eventually," Just then Sokka came back. I felt a hot tear stream down my face as I laid my eyes on the brown-haired boy beside him.

"You're alive!" I hugged him tightly. "I had almost lost all hope," 

He smiled widely, "I'm alive!" He laughed. 

I pulled away and we all sat down. I took a deep breath, "So, First let me explain who I am. I was born in the Earth Kingdom but was taken to the Fire Nation as a small child. I was sent to work for princess Azula. Zu- the prince was my best friend. We grew up together," I couldn't bring myself to say his name.  I continued on with my story. I told them That I could help them navigate the fire nation and they decided to let me join. Sokka told me to come sit with him so he can explain their invasion plan. 

"So on the day of the solar eclipse, we will invade with a ragtag group of fighters from all over the world. Earthbenders, Waterbenders, etc." He explained. Earthbenders? That reminds me!  After he finished I went to talk to toph. 

"Hey, toph! Um, I was wondering if you could coach me in  Earthbending? I uh never really got proper training," I asked a little embarrassed. She agreed. As we trained she told me how she was scamming some scammers and Katara was being really annoying about it. 

Katara and toph got in a big fight but miraculously made up and Katara decided she wanted to 'pull a scam' with her.  


"Do you think this scam of theirs should be taking this long?" Aang asked as he was paced in front of us.

"I was just wondering the same thing," Sokka said. 

"We'd better check it out," I added.

"You two behave." He pointed to momo and his new pet messenger hawk. "Appa's in charge," 

We walked through the now empty town. 

"Where do you think they might be?" I asked as walked towards a statue of Ozai. I wonder what Zuko is doing right now?

"Where do you think anyone is?" Aang added. "Guys, watch out!" He pulled both of us behind the statue. There was an explosion right beside us. Aang looked out from our hiding place to see what it was. "It's The Sparky-Sparky-Boom Man!"

"What?" I'm so confused.   

"You know, I'm starting to think that name doesn't quite fit." Sokka looked out and followed to see a man with an eye tattooed on his forehead. He took a deep breath and somehow caused an explosion right in front of us. We all screamed and ran out on to a side street narrowly avoiding another attack. 

"This guy is too good! He shoots fire from his brain!" Sokka exclaimed.

"We should split up. He can't chase us all." Aang said. Many exposins later katara and toph arrived and Sparky-Sparky-Boom man ended up with his head frozen in ice. 

"Hey, I got it! The perfect name for that guy: Combustion Man!" Sokka yelled as we ran away.

"Good job, Sokka. Now let's get outta here before Combustion Man catches us." I yelled back.

"See? It fits so well!" He exclaimed. 

We got on appa and found a new place to camp. I fell asleep looking up at the stars. I couldn't help but think of Zuko. I wonder if he's looking at them too?         

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