=Chapter 7=

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3 weeks later 

(WARNING! this chapter may have language not suitable for younger readers.) 

We had made it to an island and Iroh had insisted we stop by the local spa. Iroh was getting a massage, I sat across from Zuko was sulking in the corner. It was a beautiful place with pink and red cherry blossoms everywhere. 

"Ahh, this is what I've been missing." Iroh sighed. "who knew floating on a piece of driftwood for 3 weeks with no food or water and sea vultures waiting to pluck out your liver could make one so tense?" I laughed but Zuko seemed even sadder than usual.     

"What's wrong Zuko?" I asked but he didn't say anything. 

"I see. It's the anniversary, isn't it?" Iroh said as he walked over to us and sat down.              

"3 years ago today I was banished. I lost it all. I want it back." He looked angrily at seemingly nothing. "I want the avatar. I want my honor, my throne. I want my father not to think I'm worthless." 

"I'm sure he doesn't. Why would he banish you if he didn't care?" Iroh tried to cheer him but failed miserably.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed Zuko's arm pulling him up. "Come with me." I dragged him to a small creek that was surrounded by boulders.

"I don't really feel like swimming, y/n." He groaned. 

"Oh my god! would you just shut up and enjoy yourself for once?" I was getting annoyed with his constant brooding. "Look at this place! It's gorgeous! Look how the petals fall on the green grass. Look how the light reflects off the water." I got into my undergarments and undid my hair making it fall over my face. "Come on Zuko!" I got into the water and splashed him. He crossed his arms.

"Stop being childish," He rolled his eyes.  

"Pfft, I'm being childish?" I yelled, "Your the one acting like a baby! Pouting in the corner! What? do you want me to change your diaper for you too!?"  

"I have been through a lot."

"Do you think you're the only one with trama? I was ripped from my home at the age of 4. Sent to a whole different continent to work for AZLUA! Then when I finally had a friend after living there for 6 years they left me! No matter how much I begged you, you made me stay. I was forced to live with people I hate for 3 long years! Do you see me in the corner sulking?! No!" I didn't mean to blow up at him like that. I took a deep breath. "I'm sorry Zuko. I know you are going through a lot. I didn't mean to yell."

"No, no it's ok. It's good that you let it out sometimes," He gave me a weak smile.

"Are you gonna get in or not?" I laughed.

"Eh, I don't know." He said. I flicked my finger bending the rock behind him sending him straight into the water. "Hey!" He laughed and lunged at me but I dodged. I started to run out of the water but he grabbed me by the waist and pulled back in. He turned me around so I'd face him.   

Zuko's pov        

Holy shit. She's gorgeous.    

Her wet hair sticking to her face, framing it perfectly. Her emerald eyes were sparkling, Her... Stop it Zuko! She probably thinks of you as a brother. 

But what if she doesn't?      

She probably does.

What if we kissed? Just kidding....unless?

{I had to do it to em} 

Y/n's pov

Zuko was staring at me his hands still on my waist. I waved my hand in his face. " Hello? Earth to Zuko!"   

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