=Chapter 27=

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^ 🎶 Mama I'm in love with a criminal 🎶

I was in Zuko's cell with my head in his lap and his fingers in my hair waiting for Sokka. 

"You guys in there?" Sokka's hushed voice came through the slot in the door. We stood up and walked to the door. 

"We're here," Zuko whispered back.

"I just got done talking to my dad. We came up with an escape plan together-" He whispered.

"What are you doing here?" A voice boomed.

"I was just telling this dirty lowlife what I think of him!" Sokka tried to sound tough.

"Well, you'll have to do that later. He's coming with us," said the same voice from before.

"Why?" Sokka asked.

"Because we have orders straight from the warden, that's why!" A third voice grumbled. 

"Could I just get ten more seconds to rough him up a bit?" He asked.

"Fine, ten seconds," The first voice said firmly. Sokka walked in and Zuko held up a pillow for Sokka to punch to make it more realistic. 

"We have a new plan, but it's gonna need a big distraction. Be in the yard in one hour," Sokka whispered. The door opened and the other guards walked in. Sokka pretended to strangle Zuko. I snuck out of the cell without anyone noticing. I watched as they took Zuko to a different cell. 

I kept guard well Sokka went to tell Suki the plan. After he walked out he was taken to do something for the warden. 


Sokka successfully got the prisoners outside and met me, Suki, Chit Sang, and Hakoda in the yard. Chit sang and Hakoda started a riot. Zuko finally showed up.

"Zuko! Good, we're all here. Now, all we need to do is grab the warden, and get to the gondolas!" Sokka pointed to the warden. Sokka and Zuko argued for a bit. Suki jerked her head motion me to follow her. We hopped over the heads of the prisoners and got onto the main building taking out a few guards in the process. We got to the warden. 

I quickly tied up his hands with his belt and Suki gagged him, "Sorry, warden. You're my prisoner now," The rest of the group showed up all of them out of breath. "We've got the warden! Now let's get out of here!"

"Those are some girls,"  Hakoda said as he caught his breath, 

"Tell me about it," Sokka and Zuko said at the same time. 

We made it to the gondola. Zuko broke the lever and barely made it on in time.  

 "Wait! Who's that?" Hakoda asked. I looked out the window.

"That's a problem. It's my sister and her friend," Zuko said. Ty Lee was running on the line and Azula used blue fire to propel herself through the air. Sokka, Suki, Zuko, and I all got on top of the gondola. The two girls landed. 

Suki and I fought Ty Lee while Sokka and Zuko took Azula. 

"Hi Y/n," Ty Lee smiled.

"Hi Ty Lee," I smiled back as Suki almost knocked her into the water. We kept fighting and the whole thing started to shake. I started to fall off but Zuko caught me. 

"They're about to cut the line!" Ty Lee shouted in fear. Azula and Ty Lee escaped and we got back inside. 

"They're cutting the line! The gondola's about to go!" Zuko informed.

"I hope this thing floats," Hakoda grumbled. 

The gondola started moving again. We all bolted to the window to see what was going on. 

"Mai!" I exclaimed. We got to the other side and ran out. Leaving the warden. 

Zuko stopped in his tracks, "My sister was on that island,"  

"No duh," I rolled my eyes.

"What I mean is she must have come there somehow. There!" He pointed to Azula's blimp. "That's our way out of here!"


We got back to the air temple and greeted the gaang.

"What are you doing in this thing? What happened to the war balloon?" Katara asked.

"It kind of got destroyed," Zuko said.

"Sounds like a crazy fishing trip," Aang smiled.

"Did you at least get some good meat?" Toph asked.

"I did. The best meat of all. The meat of friendship and fatherhood," Sokka beamed as the rest of the escapees walked out of the blimp.

"I'm new. What's up, everybody?" Chit Sang waved. Katara ran to hug her dad.

"Seriously? You guys didn't find any meat?" Toph complained. 

After the happy reunion, I went to my room and a few seconds later was greeted by Zuko. He closed the door behind him. 

"That was quite the trip," I smiled. 

"Definitely," He smiled back. I kissed him closing the space between us. I moved my hands up to his face and he did the same. 

"Guys! Zuko and Y/n are making out in there!" Toph yelled from outside my room. 

"TOPH!" We both shouted.




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