=Chapter 25=

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"Hey, Y/n. We started a fire. You should come and join us," Aang said from right outside my room.

"Ok," I got up. He rushed back to his seat leaving only one empty space. It was right next to Zuko. I unintentionally brushed my arm against his as I sat. I tried not to make eye contact.

"Are you ok Zuko?" Toph asked.

"Umm yeah? Why?" he sounded confused. 

"Your heart rate just shot up," She smirked. Aang elbowed her. I stifled a laugh. I glanced over to see Zuko's blushing face. Haru raised an eyebrow at me. 

I stood up suddenly remembering something. "Haru, Zuko, Can I talk to you two in private?" I asked. They both looked confused but stood up and followed me anyway. We got out of earshot. I didn't feel like doing this in front of everyone. "So, I think it's time you two meet formally. Zuko, this is my brother Haru," 

Zuko's face lit up. "You did it! You found your family!" He beamed down at me. I nodded. He turned to Haru. "It's nice to finally meet you," They shook hands. 

"Nice to meet you too," He smiled politely. 

"Haru check this out!" Aang's voice yelled. Haru went to see what it was. Leaving me and Zuko alone. 

He scratched the back of his neck nervously. Suddenly I felt a gust of wind and I fell forward right onto Zuko. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw I dit of orange fabric fly around the corner. I quickly moved my hand behind his head to cushion the blow. We both came crashing to the floor. My face was inches from his. His eyes flicked down to my lips for a moment. We both blushed. I hoisted myself up and I helped him. 

 "Sorry about that," I said as I brushed myself off. 


"I'm bored," I said as I lay on my back next to Sokka.

"Let's go watch Aang's training," He stood up and we both walked over to them. Zuko was facing the other direction and let out a frustrated groan.  "Hey, jerks! Mind if we watch you two jerks do your jerkbending?" 

"Get out of here!" He was clearly not amused. 

"Alrighty then," I grabbed Sokka's arm just as Zuko spun around. 

"Take it easy. I was just kiddin' around." Sokka laughed at his own joke, "Jerkbending, still got it." Zuko groaned as we walked away.  

We were all sitting by the fire again when I spotted Zuko leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. I smiled at him. He walked over to the group.

"Listen, everybody, I've got some pretty bad news. I've lost my stuff," He frowned. 

"Don't look at me, I didn't touch your stuff," Toph put her arms up defensively. I laughed at her comment.

"I'm talking about my firebending. It's gone," He looked at the ground.

Katara laughed. We all looked over at her, "I'm sorry. I'm just laughing at the irony. You know, how it would've been nice for us if you lost your firebending a long time ago,"  

"Well, it's not lost. It's just ... weaker for some reason," Zuko explains.

"Maybe you're not as good as you think you are," She glared at him. 

"Ouch," Toph said as she stuffed food in her mouth.

"I bet it's because I changed sides," Zuko said. 

"That's ridiculous," Katara was really getting on my nerves. 

"You could at least try and be helpful," I rolled my eyes.

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