=Chapter 8=

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I was practicing earth bending, Zuko was looking for food, and Iroh was studying at some sort of flower. I stopped at the site of Zuko stumbling out of the bushes.

 "You know, you could have just walked around the bushes." I rolled my eyes. 

He ignored me and said, "I didn't find anything to eat. I can't live like this." He wined. "I wasn't meant to be a fugitive. This is impossible! Uncle...what are you doing?" We both walked over to him.

"You are looking at the rare white dragon bush It's leaves make tea so delicious it heartbreaking! That, or its the white jade bush, which is poisonous." Iroh told us.

"We need food, not tea," Zuko said. "I'm going fishing."

"Can I join you?" I asked.

"Umm sure." He smiled. I followed him to a small stream. he grabbed two long pointy sticks and handed me one. "Here you go. So umm if you see a fish try to stab it with the stick."

"Your teaching skills still amaze me," I laughed. there was an awkward silence until I glanced at him and said. "I like your hair." Why did I just say that?  

"Really? I kinda hate." He replied.

"Well, it's better than baldy McPonytail." I laughed.

"Well, your right about that."  He smiled and joined in my laughter. 

After a while, we went back to Iroh with the tiniest little fish you'll ever see. 

"Guys, remember that plant I said might be tea?" Iroh asked still facing the bush and scratching himself with a branch.

"You didn't."  Zuko breathed.

"I did," Iroh turned around his face splotched with red, "and it wasn't."  We both jumped back at the sight of him. 

"Aagh!" Zuko exclaimed.  

"When the rash spreads to my throat, I will stop breathing," Iroh explained. He pulled out the branch and pointed at the berries growing on it. " But look what I found! These are Pakui berries, Known to cure the poison of the white jade plant! That or the Makaola berries, that cause blindness."

I ripped the branch out of his hand. "We're not taking any more chances with these plants!" Zuko said. 

"We need to get help," I added. 

"But where are we going to go?" Iroh asked, franticly scratching himself. "We're enemies of the earth kingdom, and fugitives of the fire nation."

"If the earth kingdom discovers us, they'll have us killed," Zuko said.

"But if the fire nation discovers us, will be turned over to Azula." I finished.     

We all looked at each other, nodded, and said, "Earth kingdom it is,"  


We found a small infirmary in the earth kingdom. While Iroh was getting treated, Zuko and I sat next to each other and waited. 

"You three must not be from around here. We know better than to touch the white jade. much Less make it into tea and drink it." Said the women helping Iroh.

Iroh laughed awkwardly. "Oops!"   

"So, where are you traveling from?" she asked. 

Zuko suddenly stood up, "Yes, we're travelers." he said awkwardly.

"Do you have names?" She asked. 

"Names? Of course, we have names. I'm...Lee. This is Lily," He gestured to me. "and this is my uncle uh Mushi." 

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