=Chapter 3=

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I knocked on the door to Zuko's bedroom and he told me to come in. "Are you sure you're ready to go to the war meeting?"

He exhaled "yes." I walked over to him and to both of his hands in mine. 

"I'm not sure this is a good idea, Zuko." I gave him a pleading look.

"You sound like my uncle," he laughed " I'll be fine, y/n" 

he left for the meeting. I waited outside. I have a bad feeling about this.  

"Y/n, don't get mad," he said. That's never a good sign. "but I have to fight one of the generals in an Agni kai." 

"What!?" I yelled, "Zuko!"

"don't worry. he's an old guy. I can take him." he said confidently.

"But why?" I asked

"he was going to send out a battalion of new recruits out on a suicide mission," he replied angrily. "I couldn't just sit there. These soldiers are fighting for the fire nation just like the rest of us."

"Oh, Zuko,"  I cupped his cheek with my hand and he calmed down a bit. "You never know when to shut up do you?" he opened his mouth in protest but I cut him off. "I'm just kidding. I think that was very brave of you," I knew something bad would happen.

I walked into the Agni kai room with Iroh and Azula. WHY DO THEY HAVE A ROOM FOR THIS??? Zuko was kneeling in the rink facing away from his opponent but to my horror, it was Ozai who knelt on the other side of the rink. Zuko stood up and turned around. I could the terror and surprise in his face when he realized it was not the general he had to duel. I know Zuko couldn't beat the fire lord. Thank god Zuko actually used his brain for once and didn't attempt it. He begged for mercy. 

"Please, father, I only had the fire nation's best interest at heart." he pleaded. "I'm sorry I spoke out of turn."

"You will fight for your honor." The fire lord replied. His voice dripping with evil. 

Zuko kneeled and said. " I meant you no disrespect. I am your loyal son,"

"RISE AND FIGHT PRINCE ZUKO!" His voice was sharp. He walked up to Zuko.

Zuko bowed even lower. "I won't fight you." 

"You will learn respect and suffering WILL BE YOUR TEACHER." Zuko looked up at his father's tears running down both his cheeks as well as mine. I couldn't watch.  I heard Zuko scream. I looked back to see Ozai getting ready to strike again. Without thinking I Earth bent the tiniest bit of rock beneath him making him fall. No one noticed the floor move except for Zuko. He looked at me still crying his face now deeply burned. 

after the duel, the fire lord said by refusing to fight, Zuko had shown Shameful weakness. as punishment, he was banished. He was sent on a hopeless mission to capture the avatar who hasn't been seen for 100 years. Only then could he return with his honor. 


I ran to Zuko's room where he was packing. Thank god he hadn't left yet. "ZUKO!" I ran to him hugging him tightly sending back a few inches." Oh, Zuko," I felt hot tears on my face. 

"I'm so sorry, y/n." his voice was shaky. 

"Zuko you did nothing wrong," I replied still crying. 

"Yes, I did. I should have listened to you. You told me not to go to that meeting." He pulled away and held me at arm's length. "I'm so sorry, I have to leave you," He was crying too now. 

"Zuko, I'm coming with you," I stated. 

He shook his head. "I can't let you do that. I can't let you throw your life away. You are a smart, talented, beautiful girl and you will do great things." He pulled me into another hug.

I wasn't going to let him go so easily. That night I sat outside his room waiting for him to leave so I could sneak onto his ship. I felt myself drift into asleep when I woke up I was in Zuko's bed and there was a note next to me. I sat up and read it.

Dear y/n, 

Nice try but I'm not letting you ruin your life because I made a mistake. I will send you a messenger hawk as often as possible. You are my best friend and I can hardly stand the thought of leaving you, but I must. Goodbye, y/n. P.S You looked uncomfortable so I put you in my bed.

love, Zuko. 

I ran to the dock but his ship was long gone. I couldn't believe it. I felt numb. I've lost everyone I love. My father, My mother, My brother, and now Iroh, and Zuko. Even Ty Lee Left to join the circus and Mai's family moved away. I am utterly alone.

I sat in my room staring at the ceiling. I heard the door open and Azula say, "I can't believe he could do that to you."

 I sat up and looked at her. "what do you mean?"

"Well, he left you here. He could have let you come with him." She said. "He probably just doesn't want you to come so you don't try to go back to your little earth kingdom village." 

I stayed silent, anger coursing through my body. his words rang in my ears. "Azula always lies, Azula Always lies, Azula always lies,"

"I guess he didn't love you like he said." she continued.

"what?" Did he love me?

"He told me before he left, He said" she mimicked his voice, "I love y/n too much to let her throw her life away," she returned to her own voice, "We'll all leave you to crying over my dumb brother," she left shutting the door behind her.

my head was swimming 

"I love y/n."

"He just left you here." 

"love, Zuko."

"Goodbye, y/n."           

"I'll be fine y/n."

"Y/n, don't get mad."   

"I'm so sorry, y/n."         

 "Azula always lies."   

"I have to leave you."

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