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Rain poured down hard around Gotham City, as heavy breathing and panting went nearly unheard, as that sound was quite drowned out, by the wailing sirens of at least a dozen cop cars.

Then, there was also the teenaged girl who was desperately running sprintin through the streets of Gotham City and desperately tryin' to get away from the sirens and the crime scene that they have cordoned off.

"Freeze! You are completely surrounded!" She heard the sirens blaring closer and she found herself in one of the few blocked up alleyways in Gotham, and now, it was her eyes that had begun to glow a blazing gold.

"Freeze! Hands up and put them on your head!" The officer shouts and she was breathing heavily, the fear locking up her muscles and everythin' else that she normally would have been able to use, in order to get away from the very ugly situations like these.

"So much for plan A." The surprisingly masculine voice came from the teenager along with the gold eyes.

"Malini, not now." The teenaged girl whispered, but it was far too late for that, as her fear and the negatives had taken over, locking her, normally quiet personality up, and turning her into an totally different person. Pretty much literally, and now her eyes had begun to glow a bright golden yellow.

"You don't want me to do that." It was a different voice that erupted out of the young teenager and the cop was raising his eyebrows, as his partner in the car was calling it in.

"What the hell is wrong with your voice, kid?" He asked and the teenager charged at him, grabbin' the gun out of his holster and pointed it at him.

"I told you, that you didn't want me to put my hands up, asshole." Voices were strange and fickle things, but it's not every day that a cop hears a girl of which speaks with a girl voice and the next minute was very masculine one.

"What are you, freak?!" The other cop wasn't in the car anymore and he grabs her by the wrists, and managed to cuff her wrists tightly behind her back.

"Wait, stop, please! I didn't mean to grab the gun!" The first voice was back, and her eyes were shining with a lot of tears, but mainly of fear and fury were in her eyes now.

"Too late. You are coming with us, so save your mouth for your lawyers and get in the god-damn car." The cop was saying to her.

"What's your name, kid?" The kinder cop, who was the one that she had the gun held to, or rather Malini did, and she looked at him.

"My name is Sienna, sir. Sienna Carter." She murmured and her eyes began to flash between their normal brown and the yellowish gold, of what ever the hell it was that had pulled the gun on the cop.

"Well, you are coming down to the station with us." The cop said and the car drives quickly towards the station, as the sirens wailed on the overhead of the cop car that they were riding in.

Sienna was frog-marched into the interrogation room of the Precinct and she was sat down into the chair and all of a sudden, her eyes flashed golden.

"Thanks for letting me out again. I mean, I need to stretch my legs a bit too, ya know!" Malini snapped all too sharply, and then gold color fades from Sienna's eyes.

"No! Malini, you are the one who got us into this stupid mess in the first place. Trying to kill a cop, for fucks sake? What the hell is wrong with you? Look, where we are stuck now! The group, will never get their food, and we will be locked up!" She snapped and then went quiet. The same thing happened to 'Malini', as she had, christans her other half, that she hates, and loathes, as a very rich-lookin' man walks into the interrogation room.

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