Hawk and Dove (2)

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District of Columbia》

Dick once again, was forced to start nudging Sienna in the shoulders and she grunted, rubbing her eyes and she got out of the car.

She had three duffel bags with her and Dick didn't protest or even try, to get her to let him carry the bags at all, as if he knew it was useless to try.

She had her long-bow and multiple quivers of arrows in one of them, her swords and batons in the second, and the last one was filled with clothes, as it was, normal stuff.

Dick locked the car and they all walked into the building together, as Sienna looks around, probably being all overly cautious and all of that, whatnot about everythin' in their new surroundings.

Dick knocked on the door of the old friends' apartment, and Dawn opened it with her usual smile.

She looked at Rachel first, then she looked over at Dick, who was on the other side of the door and by now, he was partially blocking Dawn's view of Sienna.

"The apartment building is safe for everybody, Sienna." Dawn said with a grin, as Sienna smiled as genuinely as she could.

The only reason that she couldn't smile genuinely, was the fact that all of the awkward memories of Dick and Dawn, were swirlin' through her head and coming from Dawn.

"I am just going to go and heave up now, in their entirety, all of my dinner from last night and all my meals from today. Dawn, with all due respect given to you... where the fuck is the bathroom?!" She snapped sharply at her old friend, who seemed to realize what she was sendin' at the expression of disgust and some sort of painful... almost jealousy of a sort that was sitting directly on her face now.

"Down the hall and to the left." She said quietly and pointed with a finger at the door, she was meaning.

Sienna locked herself into the bathroom and everything in her stomach came up and into the toilet bowl in front of her, as her eyes were beginning to glow gold.

"You have to tell him soon. It will happen again and again, until you tell him how you feel."

Sienna stuck her head back in the toilet bowl without any words needed in response to Malini's words, but also a bit unfortunately for her, there, was nothing left inside to lose.

She heard knocking on the door and she quickly turned on the sink, begin washing out her puke-smelling mouth and Malini chuckled quietly.

"Shut up." She mumbled and wiped her mouth once last time, before she'd open the door and Dawn stands there.

"Look, I'm sorry." Dawn tried to explain herself, but Sienna was now already shoving past her hard, as she continued down the hall to find out as it was, where Dick and Rachel were. "I know how you feel, about Dick."

Those words from Dawn's perspective and mouth were a rather definitely all too dangerous combination with their angry friend about to join into it, all at once, full-force without any questions of it, at all.

"What did you say?" Sienna's voice was scarily low at her words now, but it was still for now, her voice not their angry friend's.

"You heard me. I have known for a long time, and it absolutely kills me to see. That you still haven't told him." At once, Malini was clappin' and Sienna's eyes flashed golden.

"I knew that someone had to agree with me on this issue." He exclaimed and her eyes flashed back to brown at once, her eyes angry beyond belief, in a situation such as this.

"You, shut up, right now." She snapped at Malini, who grumbled very much louder then was strictly necessary, under his breath at once, before he disappeared away from the control panels. That, just so happened to be shaped like brains that belonged to Sienna.

"He cares about you." Dawn tried again, as Sienna began to make coffee and drink it, just as fast now, as she could make the stuff from the pot. "He fucking loves you." She snapped and a awfully loud crash had come from the kitchen counter, as Sienna had somehow managed to break a mug and the coffee pot as well.

"Like a sister, Dawn. Like a little cudley sister, goddamn it. He loved you. He didn't love me, not like that and it hasn't changed. Believe me, my Empathy, it would've caught on about right now, if it was true. Instead, my mind is plagued by your relationship with him, and it is fucking disgusting, Dawn." She said coldly and Dawn was flinching at her words, while she walks into the living room and drops onto the couch in a silence that was a huge red-flag to anyone and everyone in the immediate vicinity.

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