Titans (5)

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Sienna had ditched Dick, as soon as possible. So basically, as soon as they were out of earshot from Rachel, and the rest of the Precinct.

"Sienna, I'm sorry." He said, running after her and he went to catch her by the arm, and, she automatically went back to her street instincts.

She twisted around, flipping the wrist-lock around, so that it was him who was stuck in it, and she growled at him, her eyes flashing gold.

"Malini... stop it." Dick cursed as under Malini's influence, Sienna's strength was nearly tripled what it usually was. "Malini, please. I didn't ever mean to hurt her." He growled sharply in pain at the bones that were now crunching in his wrist, and her eyes swiftly faded back to brown.

"Oh god." She dropped his wrist at once and took a step back, her entire body trembling. "I'm sorry. I will meet you back at the place."

She whispers, her voice barely audible now, and she raced off quickly.

She was getting into her own regular no-police car and driving off, until she heard at once, about a half hour later from him, a bunch of frantic thoughts from Dick.

She had just started whaling down hard on a punching bag back at the apartment that they had shared since they moved from Gotham City, when her phone began to ring off of its hook with the ringtone of Dick's choosing.

"What's up?" She asked, finally picking up the phone after hearing the same ringtone over a dozen times and finally getting sick of it.

"They took her. Sienna, someone just took Rachel." Dick's voice was extremely hoarse now, it was as if he had just run an entire marathon and if he had done it, without any water at all.

"I'm on my way." She hung up and threw on her jacket, grabbing a spare handgun from the corner, a couple of knives, and finally... She opened an hidden cupboard behind the kitchen and she looks quickly inside of the locked box, that was hidden inside of the hidden closet.

It was her spare bow and quiver set along with a pair of metal batons, that stared back at her. Along, with the last two weapons hangin' on the shelf, and she sighed, staring at the two swords.

She grabbed her long-bow and the multiple quivers of arrows, setting the arrows to stun in one quiver, and uh... not stun in the other, and she taps her temple quickly, to confirm that now, it was only to be her and Dick, who'd be able to see them.

She raced downstairs, tossing on her familiar and ratty old leather jacket as she hopped into the car, turning their engine over and driving off quickly as her eyes flared sharply with anger.

An arrow was fired into the leg of their new friend, the very much fake security guard / cop, and it happened to be just as, Dick was covering their new friend's guy's mouth.

"Thanks." He said, sounding almost surprised that she had showed up to help, and she lowers her bow, shakin' her head at him with a slight grin.

"We don't fight alone, not anymore, not for a long time, Dick. And while I am still breathing, neither does she. I won't be letting her, get suckered into anythin'. I grew up on the streets, I'm not gonna let my past become hers."

A low growl of clear and pure agreement came from Dick Grayson, as they ran off to find Rachel together.

As soon as they had found her however, something happened to her and the doors, they all slammed tight shut, sending them flying and keeping everyone in the room inside, and vice versa.

"Malini?" Sienna asked out loud, as she was on her own terms for the first time in a long-ass time, she was the one searching inside of her head to find him.

"I'm here. Is it time?"

"Yeah, buddy. It's time. Unleash the demon." She said with a slightly weird look on her face, as the golden aura of Malini, was surrounding her complete and utterly.

"Si?" Dick asked warily.

"Shut up, D. I'm trying to concentrate to blow the door open." She snapped a bit unintentionally as she was focused on the door, and only the door.

Then suddenly, it opened with a sudden squeak of the hinges and Dick sighed with relief and Malini snarls at once with a lot, disappointment in his, growl.

Dick freed Rachel swiftly, while Malini and Sienna were arguing back and forth, as their eyes flashed from a piercing brown like dirt, to the golden aura of a supposed 'angel'.

"Is he dead?" Dick snapped at them both to stop the argument and Sienna looked at the corpse, then at Dick, and she nodded.

They went back to the apartment quickly with Rachel together with the pair now, and Sienna chuckled a bit at the car.

"This is yours?" Rachel asked and it was quite understandable for her to be impressed.

"Technically, it's ours." Dick said and he pointed his thumb at himself and a second later, at Sienna, who was now already curled up tightly now, in the backseats of the car and was snoring quietly. "She could have just, at least, put on one of the two seatbelts." He'd mutter quietly, as he buckled them for her and got into the driver's seat.

"Are you guys... you know?..." Rachel was unsure of how to phrase her sort of personal question and Dick scoffed at her words.

"Us? God, no. She is my best friend and my foster sibling. So, no, we are not together, and never have been, or will be." Dick said, sounding sure on a subject, that he actually had no clue at all, on which side she felt about more.

The car drove off and when Dick wasn't looking in the mirror to see he missed the fact, that, Sienna had been listening the entire time along with an wide awake, Malini.

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