The Asylum

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Sienna was pacing with Dick, while he did the same.

"I need to talk to him. Alone." Rachel said to them, and Sienna sighs quietly at the two sides of the argument, and she knew full-well by now, that not one of them, neither one would give in very easily.

"Don't think that's a good idea." Dick said and Sienna winced at the look on Rachel's face, as she watched it like an tennis match.

"Why? 'Cause I can't take care of myself?" Rachel asked and Sienna rubbed her temples, not liking where this conversation was headed at all.

"That's not the point." Dick said calmly and his tone of voice had changed, as Sienna was still eagerly watching the tennis match-like verbal words.

"I need to find out who he is! Why he's chasing me." Rachel shot back as Dick continues to pace around in their kitchen space.

"I don't trust him." He said coldly.

"What's not to trust? The man's tied up. One word from Rachel, and I'll put my foot through his face." Kory said as Sienna chuckled.

"I'm going to shock all of you and say that I agree with Kory on this, because I haven't beaten up anything since... I can't remember. And I'm not in a nice mood, I haven't slept in a week." She'd say and Rachel handed her the coffee.

"Thanks, Rach--"

"But she needs actual sleep, rather then caffeine." Dick interjected, as he grabbed the coffeepot, straight out of Sienna's waiting hands.

"Hey!" She snapped at him and he jerked his head to the guest room that was on the side, leading into it.

"Get some actual sleep." He ordered and she growled sharply, rolling her eyes, as she walked up the stairs and ended up on the roof.

Sienna pulled out the twin blades of Michael, and she looked at the twins of them.

"This doesn't look like sleeping, my young one." Michael's voice was soft, and it seems to be coming from every direction now.

"Michael?" She asked and he nodded quickly, as he settled onto the rooftop in front of her, his wings shadows, on his back.

"The girl, Rachel, wishes to find her mother despite your friend's orders and she will be in grave danger, my young one, I have seen it." His facial expression was barely readable, but it was to Sienna, a well of emotions.

"Do I get all of my... abilities and powers from you?" She asked and he shakes his head at her, as he looked at the blades in her hands.

"The ability to carry these blades on your person without being burnt to a crisp. The ability to harness the energy of angels like me. The ability to sense other Nephliem. Those are all my gifts, passed down to you. My dear, the others come from mother, your mother. The empathy, and the telepathy. Those are yours and yours alone now, since your mother has passed from this world." Her father declared and Sienna looked at him, as his wings unfolded again. "I must go, but I will be watching over you, always." He flew up into the sky and disappeared, as quickly as he had come.

She walked downstairs, the blades in a sheath on her back, and everyone in the room, looked at her.

"No sleeping?" Gar asked and she glared at him, grabbing the coffeepot and beginnin' to chug the entire thing, while Dick had just given up on the topic of stopping her.

Rachel ran off, looking like she was about to cry, and Sienna looked at the others, shaking her head in disbelief.

"I can't believe it, you assholes." She snapped at them and Dick shakes his head at her.

"Don't freak out on me now, I've got a plan." He said, but only after, Garfield had left the room.

"Damn it!" Dick shouted and Sienna looks up at him, as he shook his head at her.

Dick, Kory and Sienna were walking through the tunnels together and they had to stop, since the doctors and the security had Gar and Rachel.

They were all in separate rooms and Sienna was proving impossible, to be restrained now, as her wings kept in a steady rhythm, destroying any and all restraints around her.

"Kill the Archangel, we have no use for her now." The doctor said and she roared with fury, as they tried to hurt her, but nothing was happening, as an shield of angelic light was erupting all over around her.

"Let my friends go!" She roared and she erupted out of the last restraints, and flung her head back and roared.

The orderlies were thrown back and the door was blasted open in front of her.

She spread her wings and dove into the air, shooting off through the door and almost slammin' right into Dick as he looked terrible.

"Dick." She said as he looked at her quickly unsure of what or who this time, he was actually seeing. "It's me, I swear to god that it's me." She said as he looked at her and suddenly his fist cracks along her cheek. "Ow! Dick!" She snaps and rubbed her jaw.

She was grabbed by all of the guards in the vicinity and four of them shot a lot of the drug into her, causing wings to go limp, her eyes to close, and she'd finally stop fighting it.

Until she realized, that she was in his head, the whole entire time.

She was still awake in her ultra reinforced cell and her wings, they were flung wide and she pulled out the swords out of nowhere, and the hospital staff didn't stand a chance in heaven or hell.

She was just finding her way out of the door, when she ran into Rachel, a unfamiliar woman, Kory, Gar, and an terrible-looking Dick.

"Thank god." She said and Dick chuckled quietly and hugged her quickly, before the alarms continued to blare.

"And that's our cue."
"And that's our cue."

Sienna and Dick spoke once again, as they advanced through the Asylum, as a team, with Sienna in the front.

Guards appeared and Sienna looked over at Dick, who nodded slightly and Sienna drew out two small retractable metal batons and snapped them out to their full length.

"Badass." Gar mumbled and Sienna shakes her head a bit, as Dick pulled a bar off of the wall.

"We got this." Dick muttered quietly and they all look at them uncertainly and Dick, along with Sienna, they got shocked multiple times, but they did not seem to feel it.

They forced their way through the huge crowds of guards and then they were all defeated, while Sienna and Dick looked emotionless and empty.

"Go." Sienna whispered as she wiped her bloody lip.

"Get out of here." Dick said a minute later, and they both look at Kory, who had sent the place up in flames, just as soon as they were all out of, the terror inducing asylum.

Dick and Sienna were watching both of their suits burn to a crisp in deadly silence, while Sienna was holding her batons in hand.

She shakes her head and threw them calmly onto the fire as well, as they're walking away.

"Fuck Batman." She muttered under her breath and she swung the swords back over her back, as she follows the others away from the burnin' building that was once an asylum.

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