Donna Troy

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Sienna was helping Rachel cook breakfast and Gar had shown up out of the blue and scared the shit out of Rachel.

"You guys are aware it's like super early, right?" Gar asks them as Sienna grumbled under her breath, as she had a bunch of pancakes going in all different pans.

"Yeah, I wanted to make breakfast and Sienna was already up... so she was jumping at the chance to cook or do anything around here." Rachel said and Sienna sighed quietly, flipping out a few of the pancakes.

"I'll make the coffee." Gar said as he saw the look on Sienna's face. There is all really dark bags under her eyes as now, she looked like she was in a fight club every night or something.

"Thanks. Make it quadruple, seeing on, Sienna's face over there." Rachel said and Sienna nodded quickly, and she reached behind her for plates and Gar hands them to her, without any of the usual chatter. For the first seconds anyways.

"So... Dick and Kory." Gar said and Sienna growled quietly at the very small mention of it.

"I know. Don't say it. I think Sienna might actually try to kill you." Rachel said and then the pancakes were now thrown onto the plates on the table.

"Pancakes are done." She said emotionlessly and Rachel looked at her with sympathy in her eyes.

"You know, if you just told him..." She began, and, Sienna looked out of their huge window. "You are going to listen, or more likely pretend to listen, aren't you?" Rachel asked after a minute and Sienna shrugged a bit.

"That's a yes." Gar translated as Sienna held a butter knife in her hand and twirled it around her fingers, in a hand.

She spun around quickly and Gar dove onto the ground to avoid it, as the knife stuck perfectly into the wall, where her target had been.

In the perfect center of the green apple, that Rachel had thrown up for her to hit. "What else can you hit?" He asked her admiringly and she looks at them both.

"Anything. Throw something and I can hit it. I guarantee to you, that I can hit anything." She said coldly, as she rolled down her sleeves again, as she was done cooking.

"She is better at target practice with her long-bow." Sienna looked over her shoulder to see Dick standing there, as he looked at the apple. "But... she still can hit pretty much anything with her knife throwing skills." He finishes and she shrugged a bit.

"Not really." She said and he looked confused at her weird tone of voice as she walked out of the kitchen, almost taking the entire coffeepot with her.

"Hey!" Garfield shouted from behind her and Sienna sighed quietly, tossing it backwards and Dick caught it quick.

Sienna trudged into the room with her longbow and quivers of arrows still slung over her shoulders, and she plopped herself down as usual next to Dick, as she began to scoop a bunch of everything onto her plate.

"Hey, no weapons at the table." Dick said and she looked over at him, as she plucked his butter knife out of his hand with a grin. "Hey! Give that back, I didn't mean..." She had thrown his butter knife so that it was now completely stuck into the ceiling.

"Sorry Grayson, no weapons at the table." Sienna said with a slightly evil grin, and she put her bow and quivers to the side.

"I hate you." He mumbled and she stabbed at a bunch of eggs and began to shovel it into her mouth quickly, as she ate.

"Do you even breathe when you eat some of your food?" Rachel's mother Angela interjects, and everyone turns to see what Sienna's reaction, to those words was going to be.

"No. She doesn't usually, no." Dick quickly spoke for her, as Sienna had her head dropped down a bit, staring down at her full plate.

"No problem. It's kind of my job."
"Still, thanks Dick."

The mental conversation, it lasted barely a second or two, but everyone was watching them after all, when the pair had come out of it.

"Mental conversation? Cool! When are you going to link our brains up to the mental conversation channel?" He being Gar, asked at once, and she said nothing, as she looks at him, for a few seconds.

"Fuck off." She said finally, as she finished her food and switched plates with Dick, who had as usual, only really eaten half of his food anyways.

"There is never any food going to waste, when you have Sienna Carter around." Dick explained to Angela, as her mouth was wide agape at the girl, who was still eating, as everyone was handing over their plates to her.

"Who the heck are you? Or for that matter on the topic, what the fuck are you?" Angela asked her and Sienna flinched a bit, as Dick put his left arm around her shoulders in silence.

"I'm Sienna Carter. A cop, former sidekick to Batman, Telepath, Empath, Nephliem... what do you want to know?" She asked and the woman looked at her.

"How dangerous are those blades on your arms?" Angela asked and Sienna let out a low growl, her eyes flashin' a bright gold.

"Woah, easy Si. She just asked you a simple question." Dick said, as Sienna slowly stood up, the tattoos of the twin blades of Michael, rippling on her arms as she did.

"Yeah, a simple question. But, the thing is, I never told her about the blades. Or my parentage, or anything even remotely linking me to it. And in my telepathic skill set, neither did any of you. Not Rachel, not Kori, not Gar and certainly not you." She said and a low growl came from her.

"How you carry yourself, it reminds me of a young man that I once met in Starling City. He prefers to use a bow as well." She said and Sienna shakes her head at her.

"Who, the fuck told you, about the twin blades?" She snapped questionin' and coldly at her, while her wings had begun to flap eagerly behind her, as it was, only a second later, they unfolds quickly. "Tell me!" She roared as gold light exploded out of her hands, as the blades settled in her hands.

"Sienna, stop it!" Dick ordered and she'd stop quickly, turning her head to look at the others, who were lookin' at her with horror in their eyes.

Rachel looked terrified and Sienna shakes her head quickly, and the twin blades were tattoos once again now, if you would, they now both hidden in plain sight, if you could say it like that now.

Sienna turned quickly and walked away from the group, her wings had folded themselves back up, and then, they promptly disappeared.

"Go talk to her, Dick." Rachel said after Sienna had been gone and out of the room for a few minutes. Dick raised his eyebrows at her, and she shakes her head.

"You really don't know? Come on, go and talk to her. She needs the one and only person, that she can trust right in this moment. It's you, so go." Rachel's voice was serious, while Gar gave him a thumbs-up in response.

"Fine." Dick muttered and laughed humorlessly, walking out of the room in the same direction as Sienna had just gone in.

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