Hawk and Dove (4)

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Malini was still locked away after the total embarrassment and possibly the permanently bond-ruining fight and a secret that came out from it, Sienna is having no intention of letting him out, and he doesn't protest, knowing well that he deserved the punishment.

Sienna trudged down the stairs from the roof, still wearing her jacket that a normal person would notice, that she damn near never, ever actually takes it off.

She walked quickly over to the new coffee-pot, mumbling something that might have been a half-assed apology to Dawn, who shrugged at her words.

"So, is he locked away?" She asked and Sienna nodded slightly, her eyes the same ordinary brown as usual.

She was leaning against the counter and just as soon as Dick Grayson was in the room. At once, she puts her finger to her temples and vanished before he could see her.

"Dick, she is right behind you." Dawn said calmly, as she walked out of their kitchen and left them alone to talk, as Dick turns around to look into 'empty' air.

"What are you so mad about?" He asked and she dropped her hand from her temple, shrugging her shoulders a bit, as she stood in front of him, just as their friend Dawn, had stated to them.

"Malini has a mind of his own, he really does. When I was younger, I hadn't given him a name yet, but he used to show up at random around the city, following my pain. Attacking anyone and everyone, who had in any way, shape, or form, attacked me. Had the option to get rid of him, good truly really, when I was 18. I chose not to, at the time. But now, I'm starting to be considerin' the fact that I chose wrong when, I had that chance." She said, as he looked at her.

"Malini has saved our lives, so many times over. How many bullets, has he saved us from? How many times... has he single-handed, taken out a army of drug dealers?" Dick pointed out as she raised her hands up, in a very much, reluctant 'I surrender' pose. "So, you are real lucky to have him." He points out to her, and she chuckles humorlessly at him.

"Don't let him hear you, his head might explode. Like, literally. Also, his head means my head." She said and he chuckled quietly.

"Don't worry, I won't. But something tells me, that you have him locked up tight. I mean, that takes some royally and devastatingly real power to trap a djinn instead of the back of your mind and especially one, that is, completely, utterly bonded to you." He said, as she looked at him, her eyes flashing.

"You have a point, Dick? I have got a serious date, with the pot of coffee on the machine." She said and he looks at her in silence, which was clearly not a drill, as she narrowed her eyes at him.

"Yeah, you're right. I kinda need some, of that too, so don't drink it all on your own, yeah?" He asks and she sighed quietly, sitting at the table and the awkwardness was clear to anyone who was looking.

"Make your own pot of it, Grayson."

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