Hawk and Dove (6)

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Just when the two girls were starting to relax from their exhausting days on the road, Sienna began to sense a fair bit of stress, coming from Dick.

"Hang on a minute, yeah? You can keep up your marathon of GoT, I can watch it later. I've seen it all. I just got a sense of something weird." She said, and Rachel smiled, and she turns back to the TV.

"I'm not good with the 'staying with people', Dawn. I don't have to tell you that." Dick was saying and he stopped talking at once, when he saw, that she had been listening.

"You are a hypocrite, Dick Grayson and you might be turning into the guy that we both hate."

She said coldly and he looked away from her angrily, and she knew that it had to hurt him, but that it was what he needed to hear.

"You fought for her, threw yourself back into the line of fire Dick, in every single way that it's possible. You even dragged me along with you, and now... you are going to ditch me and leave me with Dawn, Hank, and her? I can't believe you, Grayson." She said a furious tone of voice snappin' out, and he looked at her.

"You can protect her. Better than I can." He said and she shakes her head at him.

"Bullshit. You're scared of what will happen to her." She said coldly and he flinches at her words, but then he was turning back to the Bat computer, that had matched evidence for the cases of the guys who were moving handguns.

"Aren't you?" Dick shot back and Sienna fell silent, lookin' at her phone which had been going off for awhile.

Hank stormed angrily into the apartment and slammed into Dick with a force like thunder.

"Guys, stop it!" She shouted, trying to drag them quickly apart, but she was thrown away from them both and she felt something tearing hard.

She felt blood trickling out of the ripped stitches and she saw that the guys were still going at it, and she leapt forward and caught Hank by the neck and threw herself backward hard.

Hank roared as he staggered away from Dick, who was looking at him in an angry and confused haze. "Get off of me, you little brat!"

He shouted and backpedaled hard slamming her, into their nearest wall and she was slammed into it, and she slid down to hit the floor.

"Sienna!" Dawn screams at the sight of Sienna's head lolling and she looks at her former best friend, then at her blood on the wall from the stitches as well as her head being bashed hard.

Dick pushed past Hank quickly to crouch next to her, and Hank snorted at him, shaking his head. "You cared too little, and it's showing up now, like we always knew it would." The Hawk said and Dick roared, spinnin' around and tackling Hank hard.

The two guys were at it again, while Dawn tried to rouse Malini, who was stubbornly refusing to help them.

"Stop, STOP IT!" Suddenly, it was a bunch of glass that shattered, right in between the fighting two and both Dick and Hank were shocked.

It was Rachel, who had stopped the fight this time. While Dawn this time, was the one helpin' Sienna, who looks like she was gonna be sick.

"I knew I was going to rip the stitches in my shoulder and now I am going to need some, for my head too." She was muttering, and Dawn, grunted at their friend's surprising weight. "Sorry, our friend, Malini weighs a ton." She said, and Dick moves to take over for Dawn now.

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