Jason Todd (6)

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Dick grabbed the picture from her grip and Sienna was shaking and the tears and sobs were choking her. "Oh god." Dick said and she shuts her eyes as she continued to shake, her eyes all streaming tears.

"I'll just be in the other room with Hunter, over here." Jason said, and he drags Hunter out of the room, to give them some privacy.

"Hey, hey." Dick said, turning her face up toward him. "Hey, look at me, Sien, please. What the hell happened?" He asked and she shakes her head, as the sobs were still choking her. "What did you see?" He asked and she pointed at the photo of the ringmaster.

"I saw it." She managed to choke out between sobs, and he hugged her, just as gently as he could and she leans on him, still crying. "I saw it, I felt agony, and pain like I had never known seen or felt before. Dick, I'm so sorry." She whispered and held onto him tight, as he didn't let go of her either.

"There is still one person missing from this list. He really could still be alive." Dick mumbles to her, as he was wiping his eyes real quickly. "How are your ribs?" He asked and she lifted up her shirt and to his surprise as well as his shock, they were all healed up and the bullet wound was as well.

"Apparently, I can use the angelic power from Michael in order to use it to heal myself and others."

She said as she pulled up her sleeve and the cut was gone, from where the tracker removal procedure, had been done on her.

"Can you heal my black eye?" He asked and she looked at his face, and he shakes his head. "I'm joking, please don't give me a black eye." He said, as she just hugged him in response to it.

"I can't hurt anyone, not right now at least." She whispered and he looked at her, shaking his head.

"Show me what you saw." He said as she looked up at him, wiping her eyes with one hand. "Come on, show me. It is today, still." He said and she looks at him.

"It would destroy you, Dick. And I can't lose you, okay? It would be icing on the cakes of my day for the villains to celebrate. I'm not showing you, and for good reason. It would destroy you, completely." She said and he looked at her.

"Okay, but don't touch any more of them, okay? Please, I don't want to see you like that again." He said and she'd nod quickly, still shaking as he hugged her again.

"You guys okay?" Jason asked and he poked his head, back into the room to check on them and Sienna was nearly asleep, lying against him now.

"Hey, come on." Dick mumbled to Sienna, who was still trembling, but was eventually convinced to get up by him in exchange for a whole bunch of food.

Sienna was eating a whole bunch of food, as promised by Dick, who was a sitting in a wheelie chair, while she'd be sitting barely a foot away from him now.

"You mind?" Dick asked of Jason with a loud sigh, as he was unsure, of what the password was now.

"Sure thing." Jason said casually, either unaware or pleasantly and clearly ignoring it, of which was their annoyance. He was now typing on the keyboard quickly. "Boom." He said, as it finally worked.

Dick typed in the name, that they were looking for and Sienna chuckled quietly at the name.

"Phone bill paid last month, utilities on. Looks like he is, still alive." Dick's voice was hopeful almost, as he typed in the phone number and called it. He looked worried instantly, as voicemail was playing.

"Milwaukee is only, an hour and a half from here. I gotta go make sure he's safe." Dick said and Sienna stood up with him, leaving, the quite empty food tray on the counter.

"We're all going on a road trip together. Excellent!" Jason was saying and Sienna shakes her head.

"Not us. Me and Sienna. Look, I appreciate you bringing this to me. I really do. But... there is no reason for you to come. This is personal." Dick said and Jason scoffed.

"Then why the fuck is she going with you?" Jason asked, nodding at Sienna, who was lookin' at the ground, unsure of what to say.

"She can't be left alone right now or even with someone. If she stays with anyone but me, we could have a huge problem on our hands." Dick said and Jason scoffed. "Besides, you're Bruce's Robin. Not mine." Dick said.

"No, I'm my Robin." Jason snapped.

"I don't need your help." Dick shot back at him and Jason scoffs yet again and Sienna was whimpering now.

"You did back at that apartment!" The two voices were gettin' louder, louder, louder, and finally Sienna screamed.

All of the windows and screens nearby erupted from the outside in, as if a hurricane or a goddamn twister had shown up.

She had her hands clenched tightly over her ears, as she had sunk to the floor and she had her eyes shut tight, as she rocked back and forth. "Stop it, the screaming. Stop it, just make it all stop." She whispers, barely audible at all.

"Hey, I've got you." Dick murmured and she hugged him tightly, unsure of what was real and what was her eyes tricking her now.

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