Jason Todd (5)

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"Hey, Jason, thanks for the help back there. But we're good now. You should head back to Gotham." Dick said as the two of them, hand their trackers to Jason, who looked shocked.

"What the hell, you two?" Jason asked them sharply, and, Dick packed up his medical stuff away quickly.

"I'm not Robin anymore, and, Sienna isn't Sparrow anymore either. Have a safe trip back." Dick said and Sienna's face was smilin' a bit even, shocked to see it on her face.

"You guys didn't have to do that." The younger Robin said and Sienna laughs a little.

"Believe me, we wanted to do it." She said, packin' up her own medical stuff and Hunter was casually drinking one of Bruce's beers in the corner.

"Yeah, we really did. And you should, too." Dick said, as he was finishing the thoughts of Sienna.

"Why?" Jason asked.

"Because we're not animals in Bruce Wayne's private zoo." Dick shot at him and Sienna looked at him closely, with a lot of really, very real worry into her face now.

"You don't get it, man. He did it for you guys for all of us. In case anything ever happened, he could find us." He had clearly drunken, all of Bruce's all too kooky Koolaid already.

"Thanks for stopping by." Dick said and he picked up Jason's Robin case for his suit, and puts it directly in his arms. "And tell Bruce, that we are just gonna need the place for just a couple of days. He should be okay with it as a guest rule." He said.

"I'm not sure that you really understand him, man." Jason said and Sienna scoffed, at the cockiness of this kid Robin.

"I think actually, that we might be the only two people who actually do." She said coldly, her eyes flashin' gold, for a mere second of time.

"I think I'm the one guy in the world and Si is the one girl in the world, that does." Dick said and opens the door to the elevator. "Look, Jason, he might've got you thinking, that you are in a real partnership, but everythin' that Bruce does is in the best interest, of only one person... Bruce." Dick said, pressin' an button for the elevator. "Time to go."

"Sorry, guys, I can't." He pulled out a yellow evidence envelope, that came from a police station and held it out to Dick. "Bruce, he wanted me to show you these." He said, and Dick takes it from him, his eyes flashin' as he looks at Sienna, who shrugged quickly.

The photos were laid out on the table and Dick's face was expressionless but to anyone who knew him well, he was very much upset.

"How did you get these?" He asked quietly of Jason, who was watching his reaction carefully, and Sienna was holding Dick's hand, on the other side, so that Jason didn't start messing with them again.

"They were sent to the Gotham PD, addressed to 'Robin',. Whoever sent them thinks you're still Robin." Jason said and Dick leans against Sienna, as his memories began to slip once again through the mental walls.

"I know these people." Dick admitted quietly, looking at the photos on their table, as the memories, they flashed all through his head and Sienna's, as well. "I worked with them all, at the Haly's circus." He said quietly.

"Before your parents were..." Jason stopped his words, at the poisonous glare that Sienna was sending his way and Dick nods quickly.

"Yeah." Dick mumbled and Sienna squeezed his hand gently, as he leans against her for all of the support now.

"That must have sucked." Jason said without thinking and Sienna began to growl, her eyes flashing golden.

"It's okay, he can talk about it." Dick said and she calms down slightly and Hunter handed her a beer, which she popped open and promptly handed it to Jason, who began to drink it again.

"He burns them with acid." Jason said.

"Hydrofluoric acid." Dick muttered.

"Calling card of the Maroni crime family." Jason says to him, and Dick nodded quickly, along with Sienna, as she was watching their thoughts just a bit quicker than how fast they talked.

"Harvey Dent, your parents--" Jason began to list off and Dick swiftly cuts him off.

"I know." Dick said coldly and Sienna's growl began to grow again and another, deeper growl came from Hunter. "Tony Zucco worked for the Maronis crime family when he killed my parents. But all of them, they were all put away years ago." Dick admitted as he tries to figure out the puzzle into the pieces.

"Why'd he do it?" Jason asked of Dick and he looked at the new Robin, while Sienna lowered her head slightly.

"Haly owed the Maronis protection money. He couldn't come up with the cash. So my parents paid his debt with their lives." Dick said, as Sienna, was a ball of sympathy now.

"The papers call this guy the Melting Man, because he melts the flesh right off their bones. Creepy as shit, huh?" Jason asked and Sienna looked at him as she shakes her head.

She made the deadly mistake of touching one of the photos, the one of the ringmaster, and suddenly she was thrown into a whirlwind of the pain, all of the agony and the screaming of the ringmaster as the acid touched his skin.

"Sienna! Sienna!"

She heard Dick yelling in the background, but she couldn't get herself out of it. The pain was so overwhelming, between the memory and the Empath abilities working too well... it was getting worse and worse.

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