Jason Todd (7)

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"The rest of them are here, can you stay with them?" He asked her, as he helps her over to the couch. She looks up at him, as the fear that was coming out from her, was being almost nearly tangible now.

"Please, don't leave me here." She murmured and he crouched next to her, blinking quickly, and, he shakes his head at her.

"I'm sorry, I wish that I didn't have to go. But... I need to make sure that Clay is okay. I will only be gone, for just an couple of hours." He said, as she looks at him.

"I can't come with you, can I?" She asked quietly, already knowing the question's answer, that came from his thoughts and he sighed quietly.

"I am really sorry, Si, I just don't want you to get caught in the crossfire. If he or she or... whoever this person is will get a wind of you... they could destroy the both of us at once. You with a lot of Hydrofluoric acid, and me with the asshole destroyin' you." He said as she looks at him, her eyes swollen up from a whole lot of tears.

"Okay, I understand." She murmured and he hugged her gently and she did the same, except hugging him tighter.

"Just please, Dick, come back." She whispered real quietly and he sighed just as quietly as he looked at her, and wiped under her eyes quickly with his thumb.

"I will, for sure, if you promise me that you will stay put here, no matter what danger you might sense me in. I can't have you in the line of fire at this time, Sienna, please." He said, and she looked at him.

"I can't promise that." She mumbled and he kissed her forehead quickly, as she raised her eyebrows.

"I know, that is one of the many things, that I love the absolute most about you." He murmured and she'd smile only slightly, and he chuckled at her expression. "I bought out, the cute smile again." He said with a grin and a snort came from Jason.

"If you say it, even just once more again, I swear to freaking God, Jason Todd..." Sienna warned, back to anger as soon as she heard the noise.

"Fine." Jason grumbled, and Sienna raises her eyebrows as the team walks into the room.

Rachel walked over to Sienna at once and hugged her tightly, as Sienna was still quiet and unmoving.

"Are you okay?" Rachel asked her quietly and Sienna shrugged a bit, her head back between her legs after only a couple of minutes.

"She had a bit of a panic problem earlier, so don't push her today. She might have a residual panic attack, so I would suggest being very much now, extra careful." Dick said and hugs their terrified friend another time, before he took the elevator with Jason and disappeared.

Sienna looked up at a sudden shift in the panicked thoughts in that part, of her brain.

"Hey, what's going on?" Rachel asked as Sienna stood up and grabs her case with her suit inside.

"No time to explain, I need to get to Milwaukee, now." She said and Rachel looks at her, terrified. "He is not dead, but someone, that he really does care about, might be in an hour." She said.

Rachel nodded quickly and Sienna's wings unfolded and she looked at the pair sproutin' from her shoulders and realized now, that there was no gold glow or anything.

"You have figured out how to summon your power of wings and your angel proportions without my guidance. You will not need me, my daughter, but I will always be there, for you. Take these weapons, they'll only truly work for you or me."

Sienna's eyes were both wide open and she flung herself quickly out of the shattered big window and flew off quickly toward Milwaukee.

She roared, slamming into Nick Zucco from behind and kickin' him clean off of the ledge.

She landed quickly, as she heard Dick's Robin symbol cut through some ropes and a huge man fell onto the ground quickly.

She caught one of his arms with both of her frantically, tryin' to hold him up with her wings, but she wasn't strong enough to keep him aloft.

Then out of nowhere came Jason Todd, who Sienna had decided to call baby Robin in her head, he jumps into the fray and decided to help.

Jason almost got himself killed with one of the acid darts, until Dick and a equally pissed off Sienna, together the two defeated Nick Zucco.

"You okay?" Sienna asked Clay, who raised his eyebrows at her and looked between her and Dick. "Look, you can trust me. I am Sienna Carter, I was the other foster kid on Bruce's end." She'd say and Clay nodded quickly.

Then suddenly, they heard a cop screaming in terrible pain. "No!" Dick shouted and the two ran off to deal in spades, until Dick sent Sienna back to stand with Clay.

Sienna was sitting in the far corner of the room, while Dick, patched up Clay and she sighed quietly.

"How did you know?" Dick asked her and she chuckled humorlessly, quietly and looked at him.

"How do I know anything, Dick? I felt it. The panic, the pain, the willingness to walk into the fight with no chance of coming back... I felt it." She said.

Dick nodded slightly and sat down next to her, after he was finished with Clay's wound. "Do we have time for introductions?" Clay asked and Sienna looked at Dick, who shrugged.

"Sienna Carter. Former street kid and former thief. When I was a kid, I got myself busted after breaking into the main building of Wayne Enterprises."

She said quietly and Dick went to go on the phone and she sighed, once she heard that Dick was talkin' to Kory yet again.

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