Hawk and Dove (7)

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Dawn, who looked very much relieved now at the moment, to see her straight standing up, and speaking in coherent sentences.

"Ow, watch it." She hissed between her teeth at Dick, who was cleaning the cut on the back of her head and he was being as careful as he could.

"Sorry, I am doing the best I can. It isn't easy, you know that." He said as he put the cotton ball down, now red with the blood. "All right. Stitches." He said and she grumbled a bit.

"Hank owes me a new jacket." She muttered coldly and when she looked at her handy, ratty and old jacket, it was completely covered in her blood now, as she tried to get it off.

Dick sighed quietly and pulled the jacket off quickly, causing winces of pain from her and a low grunt a few seconds later.

"Hold still. I've got to clean this one again." He said and she looked at him and he begins to stitch up, the back of her head quickly. "Now the shoulder... again." He said with fake annoyance in his tone, and she scoffs quietly, but with a smile on her face still.

"You're welcome." She mumbled with a bit of a smile as then he cleaned and then quickly, stitched the shoulder up.

"Try not to rip these ones." He said seriously, but he was smiling and she shakes her head.

"At least it wasn't a bullet wound. Can I borrow a jacket, then?" She asked, as he wasted no time in chuckling at her, and shakin' his head. "What's funny?" She demanded to know and he stifled more laughter.

"What is it with you and jackets anyways?" He asked as she zipped up the offered jacket, shrugged a little bit and then winced again.

"Ow." She growled and shakes her head at him, her eyes downcast as she looked down at the floor.

"Past lives, huh?" He clarified and, as it was, she would just nod quickly and he hugged her.

She leaned her head against his shoulder and he sighed quietly once again.

"Look, if you don't want to tell me then maybe you should show me." He pointed at his temple and she lowered her head slightly.

"I almost drowned in your worst memories, Dick. How do I know that you won't be forced through the same thing?" She asked and he blinks at her and shakes his head.

"You are just really scared of what you might show me, unintentionally or not." He said and she nods quickly, as she saw no reason to lie to him on the topic.

Sienna was on the roof and practicing with her metal batons as she was now if anything, even that much more utterly and totally determined to get a lot stronger, and without Malini's help this time around.

She felt a couple of thoughts flashing through her head and she stops and a break was needed.

"Can you come down and talk to Rachel with me?"

She smiled slightly at Dick's rather subtle request for help. She shook her head a bit, as she walks quickly down the stairs, knocking on the door to the younger girl's room.

"Hey." Dick was already sitting on the bed as Sienna spoke, and, she grunted a bit as she sat down, unable, to move one of her arms.

"I'm sorry. It's getting worse." Rachel murmurs, her arms wrapped around her knees.

"Hey, it's only getting worse because it's still ruled by your emotional state of mind. Triggers, they help. I can and I will teach you, how to summon it of your own accord. Although, my inner being is being only slightly a bit of an pain in the uncooperative ass." She'd mutter.

"Language." Dick muttered with a slight grin on his face and she smacks him on the arm, wincing at the pain in her arm. "Ow." He said, nudgin' her injured arm gently with his fist.

While Dick had gone to help the others, Sienna had stayed in their old friends' apartment to keep Rachel company.

She stopped in her tracks, when she saw that Rachel was crying now and a surge of fury was surging through her systems.

"Rach? What's wrong?" Sienna asked her and Rachel looked like she was by now, fully ready to explode.

"He was gonna leave you and me here, alone." Rachel whispered and Sienna reached out, and hugged her tightly.

"Hey, no matter what Dick says when he comes back... I am not leaving you, I swear. If someone ever dares to even think about trying to kidnap you, I swear to god, that they'll have to go through me first." She said and Rachel looked at her.

"Did you know?" She asked and Sienna shook her head and Rachel reached out for her hand, and Sienna nods quickly, quite clearly for now, understanding the girl's reasons.

After opening her eyes again, Rachel looked at her. "Why did you and Dick never get together?" She asked quietly when they were together and standin' on the roof.

"We never thought about it." Sienna mumbled quite honestly, as Dick and his thoughts approached.

"She's up here! Along with Sienna, as usual!" He shouted down the stairs, as he walked over to them. "Hey, what're you two doing up here? I was worried especially since Sienna, she only has a arm to fight with." He said and Sienna avoided his gaze in silence. "Rach." He insisted. "What is wrong with you two now? With you especially, Sienna." He said and she sighed quietly, noddin' at Rachel slightly.

Rachel quickly pulled out the envelope full of cash and held it in her hands, as Dick lowered his gaze to it, and understood why Sienna was all angry at him now.

"You were gonna leave me here. Us here." Rachel murmured and Sienna's eyes began to burn, as she picked up a sword and looked at it, shaking hands were holding it now.

Hank was reading the letter and he was looking angrily at Dick now, and everyone was angrily looking at each other. Until, there was another group on the roof with them all.

"Well, hello there, you five." Sienna's eyes flashed quickly, at the sight of the random family that was suddenly, on the rooftop with them.

"Oh god, no. Get her out of here. Dick, you need to take Rachel and run!" She shouted, seein' their intentions a mere second too late and they charged their group.

Sienna was getting knocked around by the brother, with his hard baseball bat and the mother, who was snarling at her as she did.

She reared up hard in a nearly uncontrollable fury, when she saw that Dick had gone over the edge of the rooftop.

She was restrained by the brother's baseball bat held across her throat, as the sister held Hank with a wire rope, that was stranglin' him, and the father held Dawn.

She was choking in agony, as the mother seemed to enjoy beating her bloody and then, the brother noticed the previously inflicted wounds, with a chuckle.

"Mom, let's see what happens when we smash her in the head." He said as his fist slammed hard into the stitches and a scream of solid agony, it swiftly had erupted out of her mouth. "Or... I missed a spot, maybe her right arm or shoulder?" He pressed his thumb into her shoulder stitches and she screams in fury and pain, but refusing to pass out.

Dawn was thrown clean off of the building rooftops, through the dove cage and everyone was screaming for her and Hank was knocked out by the bat.

"What do we do with her?" The brother asked after Sienna, who could barely move, lying on the roof with all the pain in the world, feeling like it was everywhere and yet nowhere at once.

"Knock her out." The mother ordered and the boy punched her clean across the face, and the world went black, as stars crept along with the darkness.

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