Together (2)

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"Dick, you can take it from here. I got us this place, you do the talkin' and I'll just be in this corner, tryin' not to lose my lunch at Gar's suspicious and very stubborn thoughts. I don't want to throw up, but if he does not stop it soon, then I just might." Sienna claps Dick on the shoulder as she talked, as she sat on one of the hay bales, and at once, was watching them all with a lot of interest in her eyes.

"Okay. In order to work together, fight and defend yourselves like a good sort of a coordinated team, we gotta see in our eyesight, what each other can do."

Dick said and Sienna looked at the group, who looked befuddled and a lot of confusion, was what she was in this room, now getting a whole lot of.

"They are all very confused. Should we show them, pretty much exactly what you mean, by a real coordinated team?" She asked and he looks over at her. "My ribs are fine, thanks for not asking out loud. Come on." She said as she hopped off of the hay bales and he sighed quietly.

"All right, everybody pay attention because if she ends up in the hospital, we won't be showin' this coordination off again." Dick said, and now, Sienna settles into an almost standing casual, fighting stance.

"Come at me." She said with a bit of a grin beginning on her face, as her fists tipped towards him.

Dick's smirk split his face and he charged quickly at her. The two went back and forth, landing light blows of which got the point across, and Dick's feet got taken out, and she twists his wrist, pressing her thumb into one of his pressure points.

"Could you be any more of a cheap fighter?" He growled under his breath and she chuckled very quietly at his words, at least until he spins around to knock her backwards, freeing wrist and she chuckled.

"I forgot that I taught you that one, it used to keep me alive." She said as he chuckles slightly, shaking out his wrist and nodding.

"Yeah and that one used to keep bullies away from me. Which I taught to you." He pointed out and they were both attacking again.

Eventually, they were both clearly evenly matched in their own ways and they decided to stop.

"All I learned from that, was that Sienna's powers can be useful during combat, too." Garfield said and Sienna looked at him.

"Actually, she has known me since I was 12 and she was 11, so." Dick said for the sake of their actual goal for the fight.

"Any volunteers?" Dick asked and they looked around at the three in front of them, and they seemed to be looking anywhere, but at them.

"Kory." The woman looked up quickly at her name, as Dick looks over at her and nods. "Rachel told me that you can create light, heat. Is that true?" He asked.

Kory nodded. "I can absorb the power, from the sun and use it to power myself up. I'm pretty much empty at night, and it takes me awhile to recharge." Kory said.

"Can you control it?" Dick asked after she had finished speaking, and as he'd look at her, her eyes blazed up a bit.

"Of course." She said, pushing past him and when she looked at the wall of the barn, her skin light up with an orange glow, and a huge blast of solar energy hit the wall.

It burned straight through it and Sienna looked over at Dick, who was shrugging a bit.

"Nice!" Gar said and Kory high-fived him on the way back to her spot and he hissed at the pain in his hand now.

"Your turn."
"Your turn."

Dick and Sienna were saying as they both looked at Gar, who looks freaked right out.

They watched him in a quiet silence for a few minutes while he tried to be quickly stammering out a real weird explanation for why he couldn't do it with them watching.

"Wait, you've got to be naked?" Dick asks him and Sienna stifled a chuckle at his words.

"Trust me, Dick. It will be much easier, for him and more funny for us to watch." She said, gently knockin' on his shoulder, and he shrugged.

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