Hawk and Dove (3)

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After about ten minutes of deadly silence or fury-fueled agony, and she was reluctantly dragging herself up to the roof, where everybody else was.

Dawn looked up at her very much virtually untraceable and somewhat quiet footsteps, as Sienna's face twists into what may have been a attempt at a apology. "Can I sit?" She asked them both very quietly, and Dick shrugged at her, and quickly moved over a little bit to give her room on the bench next to him.

She dropped down like a stone underwater, and she leaned her head on his shoulder, half asleep already as she was tired from driving for most of the night, if not all of the night, before she had finally switched with Dick once again.

He was the one of them both, who had driven the car for the final hour or two, toward their hideout, where they were now. "You look even worse than usual." He said and she grumbles a bit, punching him in the stomach, as he had moved. "Ow." He muttered and a bunch of his hot coffee, was spewed, both all over, and quite onto the roof.

She chuckled very quietly this time around, until she hears a whole ton of angry thoughts and they weren't even trying to control themselves at all. She jumps up and began to back quickly on streets impulse, just backing up and away, as she reached for the bow and quiver that was hidden in the bag that she had asked Rachel, to bring up to the roof for her.

"Hey, what the hell are you doing here, Dick?" Hank asked sharply of him and his tone made it pretty clear, that he didn't give two shits about it.

"Hank." Dawn was saying to him and now Sienna's eyes were glowing and a growl came from Malini now, he who was now advancing over to the others position and his growling continued.

"Get your genie under control." Hank snapped and Malini/Sienna lunged for his throat at once.

"It's djinn!" The both of them roar together at him and Hank laughed at them, malice in his voice.

"Still defending the guy who almost left you for dead, on many, multiple occasions?" Hank asked them both, as the glow of Sienna's eyes fade and she looked at Hank, stepping quickly into the immediate line of fire, her eyes all flashing with seriousness.

"I told him to go, every single damn one of those times. Make sure you are aware of all of the facts next time, and not just your biased, untrue version of it. Yeah, Hankie?" She asked and he let a low growl escape, as she shoved him quickly, and he backed up a few steps.

Despite all of his big talk about being all tough, no one wanted to face off in a fight with the djinn.

Malini was most certainly not an opponent to be taken lightly, on any battlefield. He was dangerous in all of the ways that anyone could think of, a great fighter, with a vigilante with the powers of telepathy and empathy, as a body sharer.

Hank backed up and walked back downstairs of his own accord along with Dawn, while Sienna resolved her problem of wakin' people up with her screams, by decidin' to sleep up on the roof this time.

"You sure about this? I won't be able to hear you this time, if you scream at a nightmare." Dick pointed out to her once again, and Sienna grabs the good many blankets from him and pillows.

"My real scream is much, much worse... I'm just hoping for the best for tonight, so I actually get some of the well-needed rest." She said and he looked at her, crossing his arms over a surprisingly tensed chest.

"Why, are you avoiding me?" He asked her suddenly, as she was now making up the bed for herself and she looked over her shoulder a bit.

"Me? Avoiding you? What would make you think that, Dick?" She asked and he looked at her, his eyes flashing a little bit in worry.

"Ever since you saw whatever you saw in Dawn's head, you have been a whole lot different than usual. You've gone completely A.W.O.L, and it is not like you." He said and she shakes her head at him.

"Malini doesn't like being back in the Washington State area." It was default of her to lie, blaming it on the djinn as it was, unfortunately, Dick knew all of her lies and tricks, that, she refused to share with anyone.

"I never said that!"

"Shut up, Malini!" She snapped sharply at him and the eyes flashing began once again, as they start to go at it, back and forth as usual.

"Bullshit. You always blame it on Malini, this dude. And it's only when, you don't want to answer an question and it is usually when Dawn or I ask... so, what the fuck is up?" He asked and she looks at him, the eyes still flashing back and forth.

"She likes you..."

"Malini!" Sienna roared and then suddenly, there was a huge, massive box-like wall, that was slammed real hard down, in between her and their friend, the djinn in her head.

Sienna rubbed her temples and shakes her head. "I need to get some sleep and so do you." She said quietly and he looked stunned a bit, and she'd grunt quietly as a dismissal, and he was walking away quickly, going back down into the house.

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