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Sienna had woken up everyone in their new minivan with her nightmares and eventually, Kory was in the backseat and Sienna was in the passenger seat again.

"I still can't believe, that you traded in the Porsche for a minivan." Gar said it again, for like what must be the 50th time of him saying it.

"Kid, could you shut up? I have got a concussion, busted ribs, and a royally pounding headache. So, just please for the love of god, just shut up." She says and Dick looked over at her, worry in his eyes. "I'm fine, Grayson." She said, not even looking at him, as thoughts were all she needed.

After giving them the cop manual spiel about nicer places drawing a lot of attention, they had all met in Dick's room, since it was the one farthest out of the way, from the front desk.

"All right, guys. Listen up. We are all in one piece, more or less for the new moment." Dick looked over at Sienna, who grumbled about it, as she was in the middle of bandaging her purple and black bruised ribs. "We need to figure out where exactly we stand and determine what's--" Dick began.

"Mission critical." Sienna finished his sentence calmly, with practiced ease.

She was tossing the bandage roll at his head, and he caught it quickly, as he nodded at her.

"Mission critical?" Rachel asked with a smirk of disbelief on her face, and a growl, came from Sienna, who looked at Gar with a menacing growl, and he left her an entire pizza for herself.

"Is that a cop thing? It sounds like a cop thing." Gar decided and Sienna's eyes were smiling slightly as she looks over to Dick, who shrugged a little bit.

"We both had some combat training when we were younger." Dick said for the benefit of satisfying Gar's at times, painful curiosity.

Garfield's eyebrows shot straight up and his eyes went as wide as moons at the mention of 'we'.

"For the last time, if anyone thinks that there is something going on, stop thinking it. I am sick, exhausted and a very tired person. I'm tired of being at all times, the person who is asked 'why him', so no. It's not like that, Gar, so don't even say it." She snaps at him and he flinches noticeably backwards at her words and her tone of voice.

"Go and take a walk." Dick suggested and she rubbed her temples, she was now just shaking her head.

"Bad idea." The sudden changing of the voice startled, Gar and Kory, who had never seen him before.

"What the fuck was that?" Kory asked and Dick chuckled at her reaction and he looked over at Sienna, who was an golden aura.

"Hey Malini. I was wondering if you would rear your ugly head anytime at all, sort of soon. We could have used a hand, multiple times." Dick said and a growl came from Sienna as the golden aura continued to pulse around her. "I mean, you already knew that though."

Sienna growled and the aura faded at once, as Sienna blinked quickly as she looked at Dick, who nodded quickly.

"Wait a minute... can she read minds?!" Gar stammered out and Sienna grabbed the pizza box and began to shovel the pieces into her mouth as usual.

"You really didn't get that, huh, kid? Even just after she clearly read your mind? Like barely minute ago, jeez. And to think that I thought over there, that Dick here, was a dumbass. No offense, big D." Malini erupted into the conversation again.

"None taken-- wait what?" Dick asked sharply and the aura faded again, and Sienna shakes her head to clear it.

"Sorry about that, Dick. He still doesn't have a filter... still." She said and he nodded quickly at her, and he helped her up quickly.

"Also, he said that his name was Michael now. Or something." She said and Dick raised his eyebrows at her.

"Michael, as in... the archangel of the Lord, Michael?" He asked and she had just shrugged at him again shakin' her head.

"No idea, sorry." She said and he shrugged in response, and they all looked at Dick, who had a plan in his mind, literally in fact.

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