Donna Troy (3)

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"She lives in Number 20." Sienna reminded Dick, as he looked around them for a parking spot.

He spotted a parking spot a few blocks away from where they were aiming to go, and he quickly took the spot and parked, clearly just ignoring the honking of the other cars who had probably wanted the spot.

Sienna tossed a bag at Dick and she had pulled out of the trunk of the van, two bags of her own, as they locked it up. "Let's go." He said and she caught the keys, tucking them into her pocket and they walked down the blocks side by side.

Sienna pointed it out quickly and Dick's eyes went wide for a second in surprise, and they both walked up together to the door and Dick knocked on it quickly.

After a few seconds, he knocked on it again and Sienna sighs quiet, and, she focused on their old friend's mind.

The door flew open rather quickly into their faces, as she was preparing to speak inside of their friend's mind.

Dick yanked her back quickly, as the door almost hit her in the face and he looked at her, and she nodded quickly at him. "Thanks." She said, as he nods and Donna looked at them in surprise, and yet her face had an element of knowledge in it.

"We quit."

"We quit."

They both said and Donna raised her eyebrows up at the two of them, who were still speaking in sync.

"Great to see you guys, too." She said with a low chuckle.

"Sorry to barge in." Sienna said to her and she scoffed quietly, walking out of the house and as it was, shutting their house door behind her.

"I'm late." Donna said briskly and Sienna chuckled, reading her friend's mind quickly and causing Donna now, to try to hit her arm.

Sienna moved quickly out of the way and Donna ended up hitting Dick and not Sienna, as Sienna had ducked just a bit behind him. "Asshole." Dick said under his breath to Sienna, who looks up at him and punched him in the stomach. "Ow!"

"You deserved that." She said as they all stopped in front of the alleyway, as Donna tried to give them advice.

"You mind if we hang at your place a while? I'm fine sleeping on the couch and as you know, Sienna doesn't care as long as you have earplugs." Dick's voice was slightly teasing, as Sienna's face was unfortunately too serious to comprehend any jokes.

"Are they getting worse?" Donna asked her, directing her question at Sienna Carter, herself, rather than just at Dick, as he was her spokesperson.

"Yeah." Sienna mumbled.

"It's got your names on them. Stay as long as you two need... as long as you have still got game." Donna says to the two, as she darts past them, and flung herself over a truck, with a quick flip.

Dick and Sienna laughed quietly.

"Fuck me."
"Fuck me."

The two stated and Donna laughed at them from the other side of the big as hell, semi-truck in the alleyway. "I am waiting!" She called.

The two raced up quickly and Sienna kicked off of the alleyway wall, as she dropped onto the ground next to Dick, as usual.

"Oh, I've missed you, Boy and Girl Wonder." Donna said briskly and the two look at each other, laughing a bit as they turned to face Donna.

"Oh! Those are our--" Dick began with a smirk, as he looked over at Donna as Sienna stood up.

"Favorite ones." She finished and Donna laughed loudly, and hugged Sienna quickly.

"You guys still speak like twins?" She asked rhetorically and Sienna shrugs a bit, as they all walked away together with Sienna, as she was always, now, practically sticking to Dick like glue.

Later at the art show, Sienna was reading minds to try to figure out who to talk to, while Dick was just followin her lead and arguing with Donna, and was just proving her point.

"Dick, you are a bit confrontational with anyone but Donna and I. Besides, I am too, if that helps." Sienna mutters to him as she began to read more then just minds, as emotions, they soon, all began to creep into the mix.

Dick looked at her and recognizing the facial expression of overwhelming emotions, he reached out his hand to her and she squeezed it quickly. "Too much interest and so much god damn curiosity,. I can't deal with it." She was mumbling now and he sighed quietly.

"Quiet corner time?" He asked and she nodded quickly, taking some deep breaths, trying to hopefully, slow her heart-rate down a bit.

After Donna had left them at the art show for a 'work' thing, Sienna and a cautious looking Dick, were waiting a bit in the alleyway.

Donna was put into a car with a dark black hood shoved over her head, and a growl came from Dick as they drove off after the car.

Dick and Sienna jumped down out of nowhere and Sienna slammed her fist into Graham Norris' face at once, and Dick took care of the gun.

They were back at Donna's and after her brief lecture, they were laughing at her now.

"Why do you have to be right all the time?" Dick asked of Donna, as Sienna was half asleep on the table, flickin' at her empty bottle of beer.

"Older, smarter, prettier. You know the drill." Donna said and Sienna had to smile at that, as Donna looked over at her. "You okay, kiddo?" She asks, as Sienna narrowed her eyes at her.

"I'm pushing 25 and still, you two idiots are still talking to me like I'm a kid." She snapped and Dick laughed at her.

"That's because you are the youngest of our trio and you will never be older than either of us. Besides you know of course, that we'll protect you." He said and she grumbled something rather a bit too quietly under her breath.

Then suddenly Donna, she was saying that she could maybe, be able to some sort of way, translate the languages on the wall that Dick had taken a couple of photos of when Sienna was sleepin' off her broken ribs a while ago.

Dick was driving, speeding rather, as fast as he dared to go on the long road as Sienna was tryin to reach Rachel or Gar, to warn them about Kory.

"I think that your friend Kory, is here to kill Rachel." Donna said solemnly to them just as Sienna cried out from the backseat from hearin' Rachel's mental scream.

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