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《15 years later for everyone,
Detroit, Michigan》

"With low pressure coming in, we will see the temperatures dropping, which means this rain looks to be turning then to sleet, and possibly even snow."

Sienna was sipping at a huge mug of coffee through a straw, and Dick was in the middle of scanning the streets, for a familiar criminal that they both hate a whole lot.

The radio, it was continuing to give them the weather forecast, which she was finding extraordinarily boring, as per usual.

"The child abuser, right?" She asked him. Not only to remind herself and him of their target, but also to break a rather comfortable silence, that felt a little too comfortable for them both.

He looks over at her, as he had jumped at the sudden noise in the cop car.

It was the suddenly broken silence, it was that of which had quickly and all sorts of efficiently, snapped him out of that familiar almost angry, almost the familiar grieving trance that took him over on occasion still.

"What?" He asked her a bit too sharply, and she was sensing that he knew, what he had almost gone back into.

"The guy? That we have been watching and that you have been completely obsessed with, ever since he got out of court being cleared of all charges? It's him, right?" Sienna knew clearly in her mind already, who the guy was going to be, since she was the only one that Dick really trusted with anything anymore, since they had left Gotham City. She just wanted to keep him talking, so that he didn't slip into the darkness, that he had been about to unleash on everyone around them.

"You know that he is. Can you take a look at the case again, since you seem to want to be a part of this damn case, so fucking badly?" He snapped at her, as he had felt her presence, prodding around in his head again.

"Jesus Christ! Dick, I'm just worried about you." She shot back and he was now absolutely, completely, livid with rage, and, she didn't need to be a well developed Empath to feel it either.

"Then just shut up. Would you just read the damn case again? I'm sick of your worrying. I am not 15 anymore, I need you to stop acting like I am." He said and looks at the computer, as her eyes began to glow golden.

"Just for the record, Grayson, I actually agree with her. Which is a very bad thing, so I suggest that you listen to us both." Malini had chosen, decided to rear his head again and the look on Dick Grayson's face, indicated not a single switch of emotions on the agreement of the two sides of a whole, that was Sienna Carter.

"He doesn't care, Malini. But, still, thanks for trying." Sienna resurfaced and the glow of her eyes dialed down, until they were her normal color once again.

"No problem."

Came the demon's rather calm reply in the back of her head, as if he was a tickle at the base of her neck.

Sienna flipped open the case files for the sake of reading it over again, and after a few minutes of tension-filled, a lot of silence, Dick sighed, smacking a hand on the dashboard with a furious hit.

"All right, I'm sorry." Sienna's smile had already begun to stretch across her face at the familiar hit on the dash move. "I'm just stressed since now the Captain has said that, apparently I am getting a new partner at the Precinct."

He said and she chuckled quietly at the quickness to admit his wrongs to her, as usual. "It's fine. You know that I both won't, and can't, actually ever be really, truly bothered to hold it like a weapon against you." She said, and he sighed, as they shook hands, as they usually did, when they argued and made up. "Besides. We have a new partner at the Precinct. Why did you not tell me?" She asked, as he just shrugged at her.

"You got anything?" He asked about ten minutes later, and it was her turn to jump a mile at the suddenly broken silence. "Good grief, it's only been ten minutes." He muttered and at that she slapped his arm, causing a small 'ow'.

"I would hit you again, but I do actually have something. He's gonna be in there for awhile. So, let's go."

She said and Dick turned his head with a grunt of annoyance, and the windshield wipers kept going and he drove off back toward the Precinct.

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