Jason Todd

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"Move over, Si. Your ribs are still busted." Dick muttered and Sienna winced in agreement, as she moved to let him grab the leg of Dr. Adamson.

"Man, dude looks dead." The new Robin said, and Sienna shakes her head a bit at him.

"Trust me, there's a difference between being dead and knocked out." Dick said to the new boy Robin, who looked over at Sienna.

"You don't talk much." He noted and she looked over at him, and quietly, at once, she sped up toward the car. "Is there a reason?" He called after her.

"She doesn't speak unless something really needs to be said. It's kind of her thing." Dick said, as he still was one of the two, who was dragging, the doctor behind them.

"I can speak for myself, Dick. But yeah, pretty much. Besides, I wouldn't be able to read his brain activities any more, if he had kicked the bucket on us. Now, would I?" She asked and he'd shrug his shoulders.

"This is awesome! Robin, Sparrow and Robin, in action." The guy said and the eyes lit up golden quickly at the name from, Sienna's direction.

"Who the hell are you?"
"Who the hell are you?"

The two veterans at this, both asked sharply of him, and Sienna's eyes shut painfully, rubbing her temples.

"Jason Todd. The new Robin. Robin 2.0, right?" Jason, she finally had first name, with this annoying kid version of what Dick had been and he grunted as he put down Doctor Adamson.

"Hey, seriously, man... it's an honor to meet you. Both of you." Jason said and Sienna raises her eyebrows at Dick, as he looks at Jason, and, cracks his neck a little.

Jason held out his fist toward them both, as Sienna bumps it quickly, and wanting to get it out of the way before they all got in the car.

Sienna opened the trunk, while the boys picked up Adamson and deposits him into the trunk and slammed their door on him.

"Yep. I always wondered what this moment was gonna be like. I never thought that when it happened, I'd be saving both of your lives." Jason said a bit cockily, and, they both look over at him.

"So, there's a new Robin, eh?" Dick asked as Sienna held a hand out and he moved to the side, allowing her to slam the door harder than necessary.

"Yours truly. In the flesh." Jason Todd said and Sienna snorted.

"Well, new Robin in the flesh, why don't you help Dick, instead of acting like a little cocky piece of shit?" She'd ask sharply, and he glared at her, and her eyes began to glow, and her wings at once unfolded. "You got something, to say?" She asked, and he backed up at the tone of voice, that came from her... but, that wasn't her.

"Michael, I mean... she can take care of herself. Easily." Dick said and their glow faded, as Sienna glared at Jason.

Dick grunted loudly, finally having finished the job for a minute break at the end of it. "Does Batman know you are here?" He asked and Sienna yanks him out of the trunk quickly.

"Of course. Bruce knows how badly I've always wanted to meet you two. I mean pick your brains, catch a couple of pointers. He's all 'go for it, bro'. Hey let me go, grab my clothes. I'll be right back." Jason said and races away from them both, and Sienna looked at Dick.

"I'm just going to get in the front seat now, rather then waiting..." She points and Dick nodded.

"Look, I'm sorry about what you had to see, all right? And I am sorry, that I left you to fend for yourself. I will not do it again, promise." He said, and she sighed quietly.

"Which, part of that statement, exactly, do you mean that you won't do again?" She asked him and he was laughing quietly.

"Shut up." He said as she briefly chuckled at his expression, before she got into the passenger seat.

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