Hawk and Dove (5)

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At once, he was jogging back into the kitchen, and he found that she was in the middle of drinkin' the coffee from the actual pot. "Oh no, you don't!" His hand grabbed the coffee pot, and, she had the other side of it.

They were awkwardly fighting over the coffee-pot and it got even weirder, when they both ended up dropping it, and slipping in the coffee to fall down flat on their asses.

"Aw, jeez." Sienna groaned and shoved him in the back to try to get him off of her, but he went about doing it, in a very much awkward way.

He ended up almost completely crushing her with his weight, until he spun around quickly, allowing her to try to get up, but she slips back down and crashed into the floor again.

"Get-your-elbow-out-of-my-mouth! I don't need fake teeth." She yanked her elbow out of Dick's face quick, as he'd look at her with the indignant look, as usual.

"What?" She asked him rather sharply, and he shrugged at her words and stood up carefully, reaching down to help her up, after he had gotten his feet back. "Thanks." She managed to say half-heartedly, before she walked out of the kitchen, and clearly in pain, grimacing noticeably, whenever she moved her right shoulder.

She was rather totally now unsuccessfully trying to stitch up the cuts on her right shoulder, by looking at herself in the mirror that was in the bathroom, on the wall behind her.

"Need some help with that?" She didn't even jump at Dick's sudden appearance at the door, and she sighs at the needle in her hand.

"I'm not left-handed." She finally admitted and he chuckled quietly at her words, holding out his hands for the needle.

She handed it to him and he looked over her shoulder and into the mirror at the cut on her shoulder, which, was a pretty good one. "Jesus." He said and she sighed quietly. "How long have you been working on that?" He asked her and she growled slightly.

"Malini kept it from getting infected but now that he is fully locked away this time, I know that I am going to be needing stitches." She said, and he'd chuckle humorlessly.

"Face the mirror and hold still." He said and she nods quickly, being fully aware of how many times before that they had needed multiple stitches.

"Done." He said and she winced quickly, raising her eyebrows as she turned her head as far around as she could, to try to see the stitches.

"Nicely done." She said and he shrugged at her words, before she hopped off of the counter and grabs her jacket.

"Those scars on your back." She stopped quickly on her way out, as she was moving her arm slowly and through the sleeve, as quickly as she dared to do.

"What?" She asked and she turned back around, shaking the jacket into place, zippin' it up quick. "What? Why are you looking at me like that?" She asked sharply.

"They aren't all from fighting alongside the Bat. So, where are they from?" Dick asked, raising eyebrows at her, as she suddenly looks a whole lot smaller, as if she was retreating back into herself.

"My time on the streets of Gotham City were rough. I had a crew, but it was still every person for themselves out there. Got into a lot of scraps, a lot of experiences that I would rather not remember." She said and he looked at her, sensing the deception, but he also knew better then to push her too far.

"All right then." He said and she walked out of the bathroom and she found herself suckered into watching Game of Thrones with Rachel again as she was another person, who, seemed to be super into it.

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