Titans (2)

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Dick and Sienna walked into the Precinct side by side as usual, when they were addressed by name, by an blonde woman, who was only a name and face that they knew from a file on her, when Dick heard about their new partner from the Captain.

"Detectives Carter and Grayson? Amy Rohrbach. Transfer from Oakland." At once, they shook hands, as was polite, and Sienna winced slightly at all their thoughts and emotions from the cops in the room, all hit her at once. "I'm your new partner." She introduced as Sienna winced a bit.

Dick looked down at her and he reached a hand out slightly to her and she squeezed it for support, as now, it was her left eye that had begun to tick annoyingly.

"Right. The captain mentioned." Dick said for the both of them, as Sienna let go and Amy raised both her eyebrows at the pair of them.

"It's a pleasure." She said and Sienna blinked quickly, her eyes crackling at once with pain, as it was, Amy's head and thoughts, along with all of her emotions, hit Sienna like a brick wall.

"I read your file, as did Sienna. You seem to know what you're doing. You keep doing your thing, we'll keep on doing our thing. We'll be good." Dick said for the both of them, and Sienna's nod was clear enough for Amy.

They both walked away from Amy and went to their desks. Sienna looks at Dick, who raises an eyebrow at her and he sighed. "I don't think that she's gonna be a problem." He mumbled, as they both made a plan for later.

They were waiting outside in the same spot for Tyler Hackett, and he made his appearance about an hour after they had pulled up.

They drove after him and parked outside of the alley and Dick looked over at Sienna this time, with a very much silent question. She nodded as she leaned back in her seat, moving a finger to her temple and looking up at the dark sky of Chicago's night sky.

She felt her vision go dark quite quickly, as a dark chuckle came from Malini, who always in a way that used to sicken Sienna to her core, did always and still continues to enjoy the sick parts of their job that sometimes, meaning often, required possessing a mind of someone else.

She was suddenly standing in the middle of the alleyway, her eyes were tinted with blue, which meant that the underling of the guy, that they were after, had blue eyes.

She grunted softly at the blue eyes and already missing the very familiar brown eyes, that always, stare back at her in the mirror.

She quickly looked around and counted all of them, before her vision went dark once again, and, she jumps back into her own body.

"Oof. I hate possessing guys with blue eyes." She shakes her head clear and a chuckle came from Malini. "Oh would you just shut it, Malini?" She snapped.

"Let's get to work, how many?" Dick asked her and she chuckled a bit, and looked around her, searching a bit for the memories, which Malini had been a pain in the ass to hide from her on a definite purpose and devious note.

"No more than 25. No less then 10. I had to get out of there, since Hackett was lookin' at the guy, real funny." She explained and Dick nodded.

"Then, let's do this." He said and pressed his thumb into the lock on his box, and it popped open after a highly confidential retinal scan, while she opened her own in the same way.

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