Titans (4)

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"Hi." Sienna spoke softly and quietly to the girl, who was clearly very much scared of something, and Sienna looks at her. "My name is Sienna Carter. I'm a detective, and this is my partner. I understand if you don't want our help for whatever reason, but can I sit?" As she spoke, she gestures at the seat and the girl was still spooky silent, but she nodded quickly, after a minute or two.

Sienna sat down across from the young girl and Dick brought in one of the chairs from the other rooms, as he needed somewhere to sit too.

"Hi, there. How you doing?" He questioned gently her after he shuts the door gently behind him, carrying the chair, and, Sienna held his coffee cup and was calmly drinking from it.

"Word in the street, is that you like playing baseball with bricks and cop cars." Dick said with a smile at her, to show that he was just jokin' around as he took the coffee cup from Sienna, as he dropped it into the garbage. "I'm Detective Dick Grayson. You want to talk about what happened?" Dick asks as he sat down next to Sienna, whose eyes were sympathetic to the plight of the girl, who was as terrified as she could be. But among the fear, was an instant feeling of curiosity, the minute she heard Dick say his name.

"It's you." It was barely a whisper, but she was speakin' and suddenly Sienna was hit by a ton of nightmares but she wasn't gettin' them from Dick who the nightmares were about, but from the new girl.

"What do you mean?" Dick asked her and his eyes shot over to Sienna, who was in an immense struggle now, and she was trying so damn hard now, to get herself out of the girl's head.

She was trying to get out of the girl's head, before she could start drowning in the nightmares.

"Sienna?" Dick asked, his tone growing more and more concerned as her eyes began to flash more gold at a steady pace nearly at once, as Malini's attempts to try to bring their balances back to Sienna's side of things, she was struggling. "Excuse us for a second." Dick said for the girl's sake and he managed to half-carry Sienna out of the room, as she was struggling still.

"Hey, hey, hey." He helped her lean against the wall as her eyes continued to flash between gold, back to a quite ordinary brown.

"Hey, hey, look at me." He said and she was still shaking, and, he curses quite quietly under his breath. "Show me what you're seeing." He said as he grabbed each of her pointer fingers as he pressed them quickly, against each of his temples.

"Dick, you have to believe me. You don't want to see what memories as well as dreams, she is currently in the middle of. It will hurt you badly so please, just leave before seeing you be hurt, does Sienna in for real good, this time."

"Sorry Malini. I can't do that, not this time."

Dick's eyes widened with shock and his eyes slammed shut, as he pressed her fingers, to his temples once again, hoping to bring her mind back out in one piece.

As soon as Sienna had responded enough, Dick couldn't pull her fingers away from his temples fast enough, at the memories that she had been in the middle of. "D?" She whispered, and he looked at her, shaking his head and he was the one shaking now.

"How... how does she know?" He whispered and she hugged him tightly and he leaned against her, his arms wrapped around her nearly as tightly.

"I'll get those memories out of my head, I swear. You will never have to see them again, Dick, I promise." She whispered to him, and he looks at her and shakes his head.

"No. I will just see them every night anyways, they won't just disappear as much as I want them too." He mutters and they walked back into the room a bit quieter, as she gripped his hand as they did.

"Can you help me?" She asked and Dick looked at Sienna, as his anger began to grow at the thoughts of his parents.

"Dick, she isn't lying." Sienna was saying, but he was starting to slip less into trying to help, and, unfortunately more into the solving cases, hard-ass detective side of himself.

"Dick!" She snaps at him quickly and finally his head swung around toward her, his eyes, flashing with fury, at her words.

"What?" He snapped angrily at her and Sienna flinched at the angry tone in his voice. She shakes her head at his tone and he looked at the table a bit, as he realized that he had hurt her feelings again.

She sighed quietly and looked at the girl. "Is there any way, that we can be sure that we can trust you? You are an good kid, but you threw a brick at one of our cop cars?" She asked gently and the girl looked at her, nodding.

"Someone killed my mom." The girl whispered and Sienna sighed quietly and the girl reached out, her hand as it was, was trembling, shaking to her.

"I can read memories... I see them, in my dreams." She whispered as Sienna nodded gently, reachin' her own hand out toward her.

"I can read minds and emotions. It's how I got my emotionally challenged best friend here, to stop." She mutters and Dick winced at her jabbing words and she closes her hand very gently in top and around hers.

"Your name is Rachel Roth." She murmured and shut her eyes quickly and Dick pulled out a notepad, and he was quickly writing down the address and name that Sienna had read from a terrified Rachel Roth's mind.

"I can try to help you with your demons that you think are so horrible now. But, just for now, we are going to get you someone else who can help. If you wait here for us, we will be back, ok? I promise." Sienna said to her and Rachel nodded quietly.

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