Chapter 35

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"Will you help Donald clean up the clubhouse?" Mickey Mouse's voice could be heard from the kitchen as I got a glass of water.

"Hell no," Billie said.

"Great. Thanks for your help."

"Bitch, I said no. I hate this show. Why can't Mickey ever just know that I don't want to help clean up his fucking mess—like, damn."


"Coming." Her feet drug across the ground as she made her way into the kitchen.


"You stop. I'm just expressing my opinion."

"Go express your opinion at your own house." I laughed.

"Fuck you." She wrapped her arms around my waist from behind, setting her head on my shoulder and opening Instagram on her phone. "Wow. Look at that. My newest Instagram scandal—well, our newest Instagram scandal."

"Our?" I looked over at her phone. It was just a picture of us walking into my apartment, but of course, a lot of people already knew who I was because of all the pictures and stuff.

"Yeah. You're not mad, are you?"

"Of course, not. Why the fuck would I care? We're together and it's gonna be this way for a very long time, so they were gonna find out eventually."

"That's what I was thinking." She turned her phone off and set it on the counter. "Actually, what makes you think I'm not going anywhere?"

"One, you're not allowed to. Two, you don't want to."

"Ooh. Confident today, are we?" She kissed my neck and I turned around, setting my hands on her cheeks.

"Every day, baby." I shrugged. "You're just giving me some great opportunities to show it today."


"Yeah." I laughed.

"You just gave me a really good opportunity too, actually."

"For what?"

She pulled my hands off of her face and held my wrists together with one hand, using the other one to tickle my side. I quickly dropped to the ground, kicking her.

"I'll kill you. I swear to fucking God—"

"Bro." She let go of me and stepped back. "You gotta stop with these death threats."

"No." I stood up. "You gotta stop giving me reasons to want to kill you—hey. What happened to your perfume?"


"The vanilla."

"Oh. I ran out the other day. I had to order some more."

I shook my head. "Always so unprepared."

"What does it matter? I'm right here." She laughed. "Even if I don't smell like I usually do."

"Billie." I sighed. "I know this is gonna be hard for you and it's gonna come as a shock... but I only liked you because of your perfume. Get out of my house."

"If you say so." She smirked, walking towards the door.

I grabbed her arm and turned her around. "Shut the fuck up. You're not going anywhere."

"Well, I actually never really liked you so..."

I scoffed and pulled her down to my height by her throat, kissing her. "It doesn't matter because you love me."

"I do love you. How'd you know?"

"Lucky guess?"

"Oh. I almost forgot. I got something. Close your eyes."

I closed my eyes and she shuffled around for a few seconds before laughing.

"Okay. Open."

I opened my eyes and laughed. Billie was kneeling in front of me, a Ring Pop in her hand. "You're so stupid."

"So, these are vegan and you didn't say no to the Ring Pops."

"Get the fuck outta here, Billie. I hate you."

"Guess that's a no."

I nodded.




"If you could go anywhere—like, literally anywhere—where would you go?"

I could see her look over at me as I stared up at my ceiling. "I don't know. Anywhere you are."

She sighed. "Okay. Let me rephrase that then. If you could go anywhere with me, where would you go?"

"Uh..." I bit my lip as I thought. "I really don't know. Where would you go?"

"I don't know. I've already been to a lot of places. That's why I asked you."

"I just—I haven't really given it much thought. Right now, I'm just glad that I'm back out here, you know. I don't really want to go anywhere else."

"Honestly... same."

"Wait, Billie!" I quickly sat up and she followed suit, looking rather frightened. "Did I show you my new lighthouse snow globe?"

"I hate you. You just scared the fuck out of me."

"I don't care. You still love me. Come on." I grabbed her hands and pulled her up, dragging her into the living room. "Look." I picked the snow globe up but she wasn't paying attention anymore.

"This is cute." She picked up a picture frame off of the shelf. It's one of the pictures Billie and I took when we went to Maine. "You should let me keep it."

"You should move in."

"You should marry me."

She smiled as I pulled her closer by her waist. "You should propose and then I will."

"Bet. When and where?"

"Here and now."

She laughed kissing my head. "That's cute but no. It's coming though."

I looked up at her and she set her hand on my cheek, pulling my bottom lip down with her thumb. "You're so pretty." I wrapped my arms around her neck and laid my head on her chest.

Tear Myself Apart // Billie Eilish Where stories live. Discover now